Ross Fleming

참여 작품

Production Assistant
지속된 디셉티콘과의 전쟁에서 위기에 몰린 옵티머스 프라임은 중요한 임무를 가진 오토봇을 지구로 보낸다. 지구에 도착한 오토봇은 인간들에게 쫓기게 되고, 낡은 비틀로 변신해 폐차장에 은둔하던 중, 찰리라는 소녀에 의해 발견된다. 비틀을 수리하던 찰리는 자신의 낡은 자동차가 거대한 로봇으로 변신하는 놀라운 광경을 목격하고, 모든 기억이 사라진 그에게 ‘범블비’라는 이름을 지어주며 서로에게 특별한 존재가 되어간다. 하지만, 범블비의 정체를 파헤치려는 인간들과 그가 가진 비밀을 쫓는 디셉티콘의 추격과 압박은 점점 더 심해지는데…
We Belong Together
Shadowy Figure / Alfred
A recovering alcoholic college professor trying to put his life back together meets a seductive new student. She offers him a sensual escape from reality until he realizes she may be insane.
Boy Bye
Veronica Love seems to have it all...she's smart, sassy and sexy and has a career as one of the most successful real estate entrepreneurs in California. Affectionately known as Love by her girlfriends Beverly and Charity, Love also happens to be happily single and loving every minute of it. She has no shortage of flings with the many boy toys and playthings that cross her path all because she doesn't believe in true love. Enter the sexy and mysterious business acquaintance Lance Peterson. Love has never felt this way about any man before and thinks that he could possibly be "the one" as their feelings for one another grow deeper by the moment. Lance is harboring a few tightly-wound deep secrets of his own that soon unravel and are revealed to her. Will his shocking revelation be enough to bring Love's world crashing down around her or will Love be able to survive his secrets with her heart still intact?
Three friends who's dreams is to escape their bleak world and break the chains of poverty, with their gift of African music (Afro-vibe.) In their desperation to succeed, they must learn to survive the unstoppable, as they embark on a perilous journey by sea.
Three young tourists buy a sunglass camera to record their trip to Los Angeles -- and get mixed up in a drug deal gone wrong.