Traveling forward in time isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, as Sean Graves learns the hard way. He’s supposed to spy on his future self to determine if he should pursue a new romantic love interest. Even though he’s warned to not interfere, Sean decides he has to investigate for himself the tension between the man who he is now and who he will become. Even more dauntingly, once Sean is sent back to the past, "Future Sean" has to deal with the consequences of all the versions of his multiple selves’ actions.
군사 점령이란 무엇인가? 아비 모그라비 감독은 군사 점령에 참여했던 군인들의 증언을 경유하여 식민주의적 점령의 작동 방식에 대한 통찰을 보여 준다. 54년간 이스라엘이 자행한 팔레스타인의 웨스트 뱅크와 가자 지구 영토 점령을 통해, 감독은 군사 점령의 매뉴얼을 그려 나간다.
Two young artists use love as a safety net against the fear and pain in their lives in order to propel them deeper into their art.
In this retelling of the classic tale, Aladdin is an out of work indie-rock singer living in a video-game-world ruled by a perverted technology-obsessed Sultan.