Subrata Lahiri

참여 작품

The Stranger
Assistant Director
A well-off Indian family is paid an unexpected, and rather unwanted, visit by a man claiming to be the woman's long lost uncle. The initial suspicion with which they greet the man slowly dissolves as he regales them with stories of his travels, tales that are at odds with their conventional middle class perspective on the world.
An Enemy of the People
Assistant Director
Ashoke Gupta is an idealistic doctor working in a town near Calcutta. He discovers that the water at a popular temple is the source of an outbreak of typhoid and hepatitis. In order to save lives, he risks his career to try and call attention to this polluted water source, while a local group of building contractors attempt to discredit him in various ways.
The Home and the World
Assistant Director
When the movie opens, a woman is recalling the events that molded her perspective on the world. Years ago, her husband, a wealthy Western-educated landowner, challenged tradition by providing her with schooling, and inviting her out of the seclusion in which married women were kept, to the consternation of more conservative relatives. Meeting her husband's visiting friend from college, a leader of an economic rebellion against the British, she takes up his political cause, despite her husbands warnings. As the story progresses, the relationship between the woman and the visitor becomes more than platonic, and the political battles, pitting rich against poor and Hindu against Moslem, turn out not to be quite as simple as she had first thought.
외로운 아내
Assistant Camera
1870년대 인도. 차루는 외롭고 한가한 생활을 하고 있다. 차루의 남편 부파티는 가정생활보다 신문제작에 더 많은 시간을 할애하기 때문이다. 남편의 사촌이자 시인인 아말이 그들의 집으로 오게 되고, 차루는 아말과 문학적 교감을 나눈다. 위태로운 결혼생활의 모습과 자신의 목소리를 확립하기 위한 첫걸음을 내딛는 여성의 이야기를 담았다. (영화의 전당)