In a small town, high-school dean Alana and her vivacious teenage daughter Samantha plan a holiday concert to save the school with the help of the new maintenance man, Army veteran Johnny, and his quiet son Max. But when a car accident lands Sam in a life-threatening condition, Alana turns to Johnny for support, and Max makes a desperate decision that will forever bond their families together. All four must question their values about sacrifice, family, and love - and what it means to be thankful for another Christmas.
그레이스와 카를로, 샤릴과 조엘은 오래된 친구이자 연인으로, 뉴욕을 떠나 새로운 곳에 정착한 샤릴과 조엘의 집에 그레이스와 카를로가 놀러 간다. 하지만 그들의 대화가 계속 될 수록 샤릴과 조엘의 사이에 문제가 있다는 것이 나타나고, 불편한 분위기로 인하여 네 사람은 사소한 모든 일에 대해 논쟁을 벌이게 된다. 결국 그 날은 두 커플에게 상처만 남기고 잊을 수 없는 날이 되는데…
Sara is a beautiful young sex therapist who has a tremendous appetite for sex. As her husband is so involved in his work and not enough time for her, she is indirectly encouraged to find other sex and excitement. Sarah finds this in one of her clients but he has a dark side that she and her friends find out.
The Diamondback Militia violently opposes certain US policies regarding satellite info. After a lightening attack on a federal courthouse, the Militia takes over a space shuttle tracking station. The take control of a multi-billion dollar communications satellite. Who will save the space shuttle and it's crew?
From the co-founder of Slamdance comes the story of a young man who returns home from a trip abroad to confront not just his peculiar family and friends, but also a pair of Colombian jewel thieves and a roving gang of Iowa kickboxers, culminating in a showdown at Carhenge. A seminal movie in the history of independent film, "Omaha: The Movie" was the film that spearheaded the birth of the Slamdance Film Festival.