Trapped in the clutches of lockdown, a quiet and empty London awakens to a beautiful spring day. Nature opens the door, providing soft, dappled sunlight and sweet birdsong that inspires a moment of collective human solidarity.
To celebrate the centenary of the Royal Air Force, Ewan and Colin McGregor take to the skies in some of the world's most iconic planes. These are the planes that were involved in aerial combat at every stage of the RAF's story, from the biplanes used in the early days of dogfighting in World War I to the beautiful Spitfire of the Battle of Britain, the plucky Lysander and on to mighty Vulcan nuclear bomber, as well as the Chinook helicopter and supersonic Typhoon that are still in service today. It is a story of amazing machines and epic battles, but above all it is the story of the men and women whose courage and ingenuity have been at the heart of the RAF for 100 years. On their journey Ewan and Colin meet an amazing cast of characters.
Sound Recordist
가까운 미래, 캡틴 버크가 사령관으로 있는 최정예 해병대원들은 외부로부터 통신이 단절되고 아무도 정확한 위치를 모르는 먼 섬으로 일상적인 훈련을 떠난다. 그들은 본진에 있는 컴퓨터와 지능이 연결되어있는 'SPECIAL MILLS'라 불리는 A.I와 이 미션을 동행한다. 그런데 섬에 도착하자마자 대원들은 이것이 일상적인 훈련이 아니었음을 깨닫게 되고 이곳은 진화한 밀리터리 로봇이 자신들을 살아있는 타겟으로 삼으려고 쳐둔 덫이었음을 알게 된다. 동행했던 A.I 'MILLS'가 이 음모와 연관이 있음이 밝혀지게 되고….. 하지만 또한 그들이 이 죽음의 섬에서 벗어나기 위해서는 MILLS에 내장되어있는 기술을 이용할 수 밖에 없음을 알게 된다. 누구의 편에 서있는지 늘 의심스럽고 위태로운 존재 MILLS 하지만 그녀를 이용해 요원들은 섬을 탈출해야 하고 끝을 알 수 없는 죽음의 게임이 시작된다.
In this hour-long documentary, Oxford academic Janina Ramirez tours the country in search of Anglo-Saxon art treasures. Her basic thesis - and it is a plausible one - is that we should not look upon their era as a "dark age" as compared, for example, to Roman times, but rather celebrate it as an age in which creativity flowered, especially in terms of artistic design as well as symbolism. She shows plenty of good examples, ranging from the Franks Casket to the Staffordshire Hoard, and the Lindisfarne Gospels. - l_rawjalaurence
Sound Recordist
The programme is based on 'The Secret History of the Mongols', a manuscript written in the 13th century, some believe by the adopted son of the great Khan.