Rina Tsou

Rina Tsou

프로필 사진

Rina Tsou

참여 작품

10년: 대만
2028년의 대만은 방사능 폐기물(‘악령의 깡통’), 이주 노동자(‘942’), 산업의 붕괴 (‘도중’), 저출산과 다양성 가족 (‘새우만두’), 불면증 (‘불면’) 이라는 문제에 시달리는 중이다. 개인과 사회를 파괴하는 이런 문제들의 기원은 바로 오늘로 거슬러 올라간다. 한 인간을 할퀴고 간 상처는 환경오염이 되어 돌아오고, 사회관계를 요동하게 만들고, 결국엔 다시 인간을 향해 모진 공격을 가해 온다. 영화는 묻는다. 우리의 삶은 어쩌다 이 지경까지 오게 됐을까? 영화는 되묻는다. 이게 꼭 10년 뒤 대만의 문제일 뿐일까? 그나마 행복한 결말을 보여주는 건 ‘새우만두’뿐.
The Horrible Thirty: Me, My Father and Richard the Tiger
As she nears the age of 30, Rina still tries to find, with some difficulty, a path to becoming a film director. This year her father Richard, who she misses dearly, sends his favorite animal and Chinese zodiac sign, the tiger, to silently listen and follow his daughter through her unsteady sound of life. Through the medium of film, we distantly imagine what the world was like in the 1950s, when he himself was 30.
Docked at the port of Kaohsiung, Filipino seaman Arnie buys a ring with the help of his mates, to propose to his girlfriend back home. The supposedly happiest moment of his life soon takes a downward spiral when he finds out she is pregnant - but he is not the father of the child.
Fantine, whose mom is a Filipina and dad a Taiwanese, just returned to Taiwan after dad's business in China went down. She couldn't fit in at school, nor at home. Dad was never there, and grandma's always mad at mom. She felt so alone. Then a Filipino boy Jason showed up with the magical Chicharon..
Fantine, whose mom is a Filipina and dad a Taiwanese, just returned to Taiwan after dad's business in China went down. She couldn't fit in at school, nor at home. Dad was never there, and grandma's always mad at mom. She felt so alone. Then a Filipino boy Jason showed up with the magical Chicharon..
Everyone has a secret, and it can hunt like a monster.