The life of the epoch-making master of martial arts cinema, King Hu.
The Matchmaker
무예에 남다른 재능을 지닌 뮬란은 좋은 집안과 인연을 맺어 가문을 빛내길 바라는 부모님의 뜻에 따라 본연의 모습을 억누르고 성장한다. 어느 날, 북쪽 오랑캐들이 침입하자 황제는 징집령을 내리고 뮬란은 아픈 아버지를 대신해 가족들 몰래 전장에 나가기로 결심한다. 여자라는 게 발각되면 목숨을 잃을 수도 있는 상황 속에서 뮬란은 타고난 용기와 지혜로 역경을 이겨내며 전사로 성장한다. 마침내 잔인무도한 적장 보리 칸과 마녀 시아니앙을 마주하게 된 뮬란. 그녀는 위험에 빠진 동료와 가족을 구하고 진정한 전사로 거듭날 수 있을 것인가?
대중의 가슴을 시원하게 뚫어줬던 이소룡의 주먹 한 방. 그 시작은 어땠을까. 액션 영화로 60년대 홍콩을 사로잡았던 제작사 '쇼 브라더스'부터 지금의 할리우드 블록버스터까지. 길이 남을 영화 속 쿵푸 이야기를 조명한다.
Qin Yi
Amy's Mother
In A New York Minute follows three Asian women, each at a different stage in their life as they deal with their own personal struggles. Amy is haunted by a past breakup that has manifested into an eating disorder. Angel is caught between a loveless marriage with an older American businessman and a passionate affair with Chinese filmmaker. Nina moonlights as an escort as a way of supporting herself financially. As the story unfolds, the film reveals each character’s wants and desires is reflected in the other.
Mistress Hua
After using a new technological invention, three friends find themselves trapped inside the 1993 film FLIRTING SCHOLAR. Upon discovering that the lead character, Tang Pak Fu, is missing, the trio decide to trick their way into the Wah household in an effort to get close to Autumn and her handmaidens.
A devoted wife and mother is forced to reassess her reverence for her husband after she finds another woman’s thong in his laundry.
Mrs. Lao
호주, 골드스톤 지역의 경찰인 조쉬(Alex Russell)는 순찰 도중, 낮에 술을 마시고 운전 중이던 호주 원주민 스완(Aaron Pedersen)을 발견하고 경찰서로 연행한다. 스완에 대한 조사를 하던 중 그가 연방경찰이라는 사실을 알게 된 조쉬는 마을의 면장으로부터 채광 회사인 '퍼니스 크리크'가 공사 규모를 확장하려고 하니 협조해 달라는 부탁을 받게 되는데...
Yves Montmayeur takes Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon as the starting point for his study of the new female warrior in Asian pop culture. From Beijing to Tokyo and Taiwan, he went to meet with the most iconic muses of this new trend, including Michelle Yeoh, Zhang Ziyi, Shu Qi, and Asami.
An omnibus of 4 short stories, each of them occurring in different corners of our society, but all of which encompass the same themes: courage, determination, pursuance and hope.
Female Mongolian wrestler, Na Ren, was invited to participate in a women’s wrestling show in Japan. The show host, Boss, instantaneously changed the competition to mud wrestling and Na Ren was forced to compete. Later on, Na Ren discovered that Boss was actually her childhood playmate, Chi Na Si, who was banned from Sumo wrestling five years ago. Knowing that Boss had deceived her, Na Ren was nonetheless determined to awaken his consciousness and good heart through love.
A remake in part of his earlier "comfort women" film (Comfort Women, 1994), which explored the exploitation of various Chinese women forced to provide ‘entertainment’ for the Japanese army during their occupation of China.
절대무공 영춘백학권 108식 화권을 문화재단에 기증하려는 ‘천판’에게 정체 모를 무리의 습격이 계속된다. 영춘권 수제자 ‘이양’과 ‘천판’은 권서를 지키기 위해 거대한 조직과 목숨을 건 사투를 벌이는데… 영춘권 전설은 계속된다!
하나뿐인 아들을 잃고 요양원에서 노년을 보내는 중국인 어머니에게 아들의 연인인 영국인 남자가 찾아오면서 벌어지는 이야기
A tribute to Run Run Shaw by TVB/Pearl.
A doctor moves his family into a mansion. His wife hears weird noises at midnight, then his daughter disappears mysteriously. His detective friend begins to look into this case, only to suspect everyone in this family is somehow complicit.
Auntie Fen
쾌활하고 긍적적인 성격의 택시 운전사 샤오이(탕웨이)는 뛰어난 운전실력을 가졌지만 어린 시절 아버지의 죽음으로 인한 트라우마로 심리장애를 앓고 있다. 최고의 레이싱팀 ‘스피드 엔젤’의 코치 가오펭(한재석)은 우연한 사건으로 샤오이의 드라이빙 소질을 알아보고 그녀를 스카우트해 훈련시키지만 샤오이는 긴장감 때문에 자신이 가진 실력을 발휘하지 못하고, 샤오이 우상이자 여자 레이싱계의 살아있던 전설이었던 한 빙마저 알코올 중독에 빠져 최고의 상태를 회복하지 못한다. 설상가상으로 최대 라이벌팀 ‘사쿠라’가 방해전략을 펼치는 가운데 스피드 엔젤스의 사기는 땅으로 떨어지고, 과거 같은 팀원이자 한 빙의 절친이었지만 사랑을 위해 모두를 배신하고 ‘사쿠라’로 이적한 유메이(장백지)와의 결전이 다가오는데...
God Ni
A comedic crime drama starring Echoes of the Rainbow actor Simon Yam. In Coming Back, which was shot in Mandarin, Yam plays a painter who restores art to increse its value. He’s also a father of an estranged daughter struggling with two personalities, one dark and one light, reflected in the alternately black and pink socks Yam brought to his screen costumes.
She Taijun
A.D 10세기 무렵, 중국 송나라의 황제 ‘인종’은 여색을 밝히기로 유명했는데, 국정은 뒤로 한 채 수많은 궁녀들을 거느리고 매일 쾌락에 빠져 살고 있었다. 이런 황제의 실정으로 인해 관리들의 부정부패는 심각한 지경에 이르렀고, 국경 이곳 저곳에서는 외세의 침략으로 인한 국지전이 끊이지 않고 이어졌다. 이에 국력은 쇠하여 백성들의 삶은 점점 더 피폐해져만 가게 되었고, 그러던 어느 날, 송나라의 서쪽에 위치한 서하제국이 송나라를 침략하여 전쟁이 시작되고, 송나라는 서하의 막강한 군사력에 속수무책으로 당해 최대의 위기를 맞게 된다. 이에 송나라 군대를 지탱해 온 무인 집안이었던 양씨 가문의 장수들은 모두 궐기하여 목숨을 건 항전을 시작하고, 조정에 지원군을 요청한다. 그러나 자신들의 목숨을 부지하기에 급급했던 조정의 관료들은 지원군을 전장에 보내지 않기로 결정한다. 이로 인해 최악의 상황에 직면한 장수 ‘양종보’는 결국 전장에서 장렬한 최후를 맞게 된다. 남편의 사망 소식을 접한 ‘양종보’의 아내 ‘목계영’은 슬퍼할 틈도 없이 나머지 군사들을 규합하여 전장으로 향하는데...
부정부패와 천재지변으로 고통 받는 백성들을 살피기 위해 황제 건륭은 소수의 호위무사만 데리고 궁정밖으로 나간다. 그러나 이 순간을 기다린 반역자들과 천지회, 그리고 중국을 무너뜨리려는 일본 세력까지 황제의 목숨을 노리기 시작한다. 세상을 돌볼 줄 아는 성황 건륭을 살리기 위해 태극권의 절대 고수들이 직접 어전에 강림한다. 피비린내 나는 암투 속에서 과연 그들은 황제를 무사히 살려 세상을 구할 수 있을까?
Mrs Chu
A journey through a cultural minefield, navigating the divide between the traditional values of immigrant parents and the contemporary aspirations of their children in a new land.
Madame Wah
당씨 가문을 이을 귀한 몸으로 태어난 당백호. 부유한 집안과 총명한 머리를 타고났지만 어려서부터 사고뭉치였던 그는 모친에 의해 강제로 청봉사의 서당에 보내진다. 공부는 죽어도 하기 싫고 온갖 잡기와 노는 것에만 빠져 정신이 없는 당백호와 그의 세 명의 친구들. 하라는 공부는 하지 않고 네 명이 똘똘 뭉쳐 사고만 치고 다닌다. 그러던 어느 날, 노는 것에만 몰두하던 백호는 우연히 친구들과 장터에 나갔다가 낯선 여인에게 마음을 빼앗기고 그 여자의 환심을 사기 위해 수수께끼 대회에 나가게 되는데….
Mrs Liang
"Here Comes Fortune" is about the God of Fortune coming down from heaven to spread some love and wealth to humans in need. The movie is developed by talking about stories which took place in three cities: Shenyang, where a kind-hearted teacher is willing to give up a billion dollars in order to save her adopted daughter; Shanghai, a love story about 533, a female God of Fortune falling in love with a blind pianist; and Beijing where an ugly duckling story of Xu Jie, the boring introverted office lady.
Madam Lee
Many people believe when a person dies, his soul returns on the 7th night. After Shun was brutally murdered, his spirit returned to possess his 13 year old sister to exact his revenge. On the 7th night, blood will flow and just desserts will be served.
Liu Wenhu, the owner of the Liu's Martial Arts Hall in Mount Tai, sets up competitions every year with big money as bait. For several years in a row, he defeated the martial arts masters who came to challenge. So he dominated the country, ran rampant in the village, oppressed the people, and seized the people's daughters. Shi Xiaoyi, the successor of Taishan Stone Art, saw it in his eyes and was angry in his heart.
세상이 기억하는 액션이 시작된다! 부유한 사업가이자 해커 ‘시앙’은 아름다운 아내와 딸 ‘춘리’와 함께 행복한 나날을 보내고 있다. 그러던 어느 날, 그의 해킹 실력을 이용해 ‘사달루’라는 거대 네트워크 조직의 우두머리가 되려는 ‘바이슨’이 그의 집에 침입하여 ‘시앙’을 납치한다. 눈 앞에서 아버지가 납치 당하는 걸 목격했지만 아무 것도 할 수 없었던 어린 ‘춘리’는 충격과 절망에 빠진다. 그 후 아버지의 뜻대로 피아니스트로 성장한 그녀는 아버지가 납치된 후 병으로 쓰러졌던 어머니의 죽음을 맞게 되고 어머니가 남긴 유품인 중국 고문서에 담긴 뜻을 궁금해 하던 그녀는 운명처럼 한 고서점에 들르게 되고 그 곳 주인으로부터 ‘웹 기사단’의 수장인 ‘젠’을 찾아가라는 말을 듣게 되는데...
This is about a love triangle between Ling (Elanne Kwong), June (Janice Man) and Rex (Rex Ho). Ling hides her long battle with leukaemia from her best friends Rex and June. Introverted June feels for Rex but the feeling is not mutual. Meanwhile, the talented Rex joins a competition by writing a love song referring to an undisclosed person. None of them do anything to change the state of affairs, until the day Ling gets admitted to a hospital and a long compression of emotion is broken.
This is the second part of the kung fu killer. China is in unrest, as the Republic falls prey to Warlords like Kahn Xin, who holds an entire province hostage to the opium trade—and destroys all who oppose him. Only the revered Wudang monks dare stand in Kahn’s way in order to protect the very soul of China. Among them is the Westerner, White Crane, a spiritual master of the martial arts and protector of the innocent. Revenge is not in Crane’s heart—until a mercenary army storms the temple and slaughters the beloved female Grandmaster Myling. Out of the ashes of the temple ruins, Crane rises—with vengeance in his heart. Crane comes upon Jane Marshall, a New York lounge singer and her gangster boss Bingo Quo. But it’s Bingo’s dangerous professional ties to Kahn that draw both Crane and Jane deep into the Warlord’s lair. Now torn between the spiritual Wudang teaching and the cold-blooded life of an assassin, Crane is about the cross the fine line between justice and revenge.
China is in unrest, as the Republic falls prey to Warlords like Kahn Xin, who holds an entire province hostage to the opium trade—and destroys all who oppose him. Only the revered Wudang monks dare stand in Kahn’s way in order to protect the very soul of China. Among them is the Westerner, White Crane, a spiritual master of the martial arts and protector of the innocent. Revenge is not in Crane’s heart—until a mercenary army storms the temple and slaughters the beloved female Grandmaster Myling. Out of the ashes of the temple ruins, Crane rises—with vengeance in his heart. Crane comes upon Jane Marshall, a New York lounge singer and her gangster boss Bingo Quo. But it’s Bingo’s dangerous professional ties to Kahn that draw both Crane and Jane deep into the Warlord’s lair. Now torn between the spiritual Wudang teaching and the cold-blooded life of an assassin, Crane is about the cross the fine line between justice and revenge.
In Singapore, successful businessman Alexander falls in love with his new assistant Li Lin. Their love is soon put to test when his ex-fiancée Anna's brother blackmails Li Lin into stealing the plans for Alexander's project. Li Lin reluctantly succumbs to the pressure. Meanwhile, Anna meets Li Lin by chance and soon their friendship develops and endures even after Anna discovers Li Lin's love for Alexander. When Alexander forgives Li Lin, Anna bravely decides to allow destiny to follow its own course.
Aunt Mei
Jason and his wife, Sarah, leave their adopted home of Shanghai and travel to Vancouver, British Columbia, for his uncle's funeral, staying with his Aunt Mei. Already disoriented, Jason and Sarah are unnerved when their son, Sam, begins seeing ghosts and violent deaths. After Sam is hospitalized, Sarah consults with a pharmacist who's well-informed about Chinese mythology and who tells her that supernatural forces threaten her son.
Four employees of Island Fisheries come to a sun-scorched, isolated island to negotiate fishing rights with the sullen, paranoid islanders who have good reason to be afraid. Soon after the arrival of the four, a mysterious force the islanders thought was chained forever in the dark basement of the foreboding old Counting House is once again on the loose, savagely killing its women. Caught in a power struggle between rival island factions over how to stop the killing, the mainlanders are jailed. They manage to break out, but with a vigilante mob on their heels, can they reach the boat in time? They do, only to confront the mysterious, terrifying force.
Coco leads an intense life in the lively subculture of the boomtown Shanghai. It revolves around endless nights spent in the Shanghai club and art scene, sex, literature and the writing of her first novel. Her life takes an unexpectedly complicated turn when she suddenly feels attracted to two very opposite men.
A beautiful Chinese girl, Meiling, has a forbidden love affair with a young American man in Singapore. He leaves Singapore and never returns. Meiling gives birth to their Eurasian daughter whom she names Perfect Harmony. When she grows up, Perfect Harmony journeys to America to search for her father.
Revisit 100 years of Chinese cinema through the RTHK TV program A Century of Light and Shadow. Aired in 2005, this interesting and informative documentary traces the development of the Chinese film industry from the pioneering years to contemporary times. From the volley between Mandarin and Cantonese films to the rise of the New Wave, this program touches on all the major trends and developments that have helped define Chinese cinema and explores different genres and representative figures and films. From actors to directors, over 200 film industry names, including Jackie Chan, John Woo, Sammo Hung, Connie Chan, Andrew Lau, Peter Chan, and Lau Ching Wan, appear in the program, bringing their intimate knowledge of the industry and providing insight about what lies ahead for Chinese cinema.
Joanna's Mom
Joanna wanted to become a physician. After she meets Albert, a cancer survivor and fellow doctor, her life changes. Albert's cancer has returned. He encourages Joanna to carry on. He believes that God placed her here for a reason and will eventually reveal his plans. After his passing, Joanna takes up his mettle and becomes a brilliant doctor. Her self-sacrifice became an inspiration to millions in the grip of a deadly epidemic.
Hong Kong cinemas had a wide range of glamorous female stars during the golden age of the 60's and 70's. The series will take the audience on a sentimental journey to the good old days and once again look at the expansive epic costume dramas and huangmei operas in which actresses played both the male and female roles. Rare interviews with Sir Run Run Shaw, stars Ivy Ling Po, Shaw Yin Yin, Tanny Tie Ni and Cheng Pei Pei are also featured.
A full journey from the beginning of "Swordplay" movies in Shanghai, growth in Hong Kong cinemas in the 60's and 70's and Ang Lee's epic "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" in 2000. The series also features interviews with such luminaries including John Woo, Chu Yuen, Lau Ka Leung, Gordon Lau Ka Fai, Sammo Hung, David Chiang and Cheng Pei Pei.
Filmmaker Ian Taylor examines the impressive legacy of Hong Kong cinema -- specifically, how martial arts crossed borders and become an international phenomenon -- with the help of footage and interviews with the stars who made the genre what it is today. Director Lau Ka Leung (who helmed The 36th Chamber of Shaolin) joins in, sharing his thoughts on how certain cinematic technologies have improved martial arts films and expanded their appeal.
Faye Ching
갑자기 전 세계의 뛰어난 외모와 운동신경을 가진 여자아이들이 전염병처럼 사라져 간다. CIA는 이 사건을 수사하지만 곧 미궁에 빠지고 만다. 이 납치의 배후에는 여자아이들을 전문 암살범으로 훈련시키려는 마담 M이 숨어 있다. 그로부터 6년 후... 위치 추적이 불가능한 감옥 같은 곳에서 철저한 감시 속에 체력 훈련과 테러교육을 받아오던 아이들은 가장 강한 자만이 살아 남을 수 있는 프로그램에 투여되고 살아남기 위해 친구마저 죽음으로 몰아야하는 살인 병기로 키워진다. 프로그램에 살아남은 아이들은 마지막 시험 무대에 오른다. 사방이 가로막힌 철창 속에서 벌이는 죽음의 서바이벌 게임. 결국, 샬린(매기 큐), 캣(안아), 질(이행지)만이 살아남아 세계 최고의 암살자가 된다. 그리고 이들은 스페인과 필리핀, 홍콩 등지에서 각종 테러에 투입되고 마지막으로 홍콩에서 한 남자를 살인하라는 임무를 맡고 작전에 투입된다. 그러나 샬린은 그곳에서 오래 전 헤어진 엄마를 만나면서 충격을 받고, 이로 인해 CIA요원 잭(오언조)과 마주친다. 잭은 샬린의 과거를 되찾아 주고, 마담M을 제거하겠다고 약속하는데...
Hosted by Samuel L. Jackson, this in-depth documentary offers viewers a behind-the-scenes look at the history of the martial arts film -- from the genre's rebellious beginnings to high-flying modern epics. Jackson takes you through the best moments of 100 movies, including Charlie's Angels and Oscar winner Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Interviews with martial arts film veterans Sammo Hung, John Woo and Ang Lee round out the video.
Liu Ru Yan
Horse thief Luk Ching-Yang and his wife Liu Lu-Yian. After Luk was betrayed by his brother Kiu Hung, Lu-Yian left him. They reunite 20 years later, along with Liu Lu-Yian's adopted daughter Liu Wan-Long and the young warrior Pak Suk-Fu, in order to seek revenge.
Female characters in martial arts films from Hong Kong: the women who played them and the directors who wrote the scenarios and directed the films.
Red Goddess
Fu Tien-Ming is the subject of an experiment that turns him into the hero known as Shadow Mask. When his arch nemesis, Red Goddess, escapes from prison, she is determined not only to stop Shadow Mask, but to kidnap a scientist who has come across a discovery involving DNA.
아로마 테라피 강사를 하며 사람들의 마음을 치유해주는 ‘아테나’(진혜림). 그러나 정작 본인의 상처는 끌어안고 살아간다. 그러던 어느 날 그녀의 테라스에 천사가 뚝 떨어지면서 얼떨결에 무한 긍정의 천사 ‘앤젤’(금성무)과 동거를 하게 된다. 갑자기 찾아와 밑도 끝도 없이 사랑을 달라는 천사 앤젤과 과거의 사랑을 잊지 못하는 아테나는 첫 만남부터 도무지 맞는 구석이 하나도 없는데…
Jade Fox
청조 말엽, 당대 최고의 문파인 무당파의 수장이 자객 푸른 여우에게 목숨을 잃자, 무당파의 무인 리무바이는 강호를 떠날 결심으로 선대부터 전해내려오는 보검 청명검을 오랜 연인이자 동료인 수련에게 맡긴다. 수련은 베이징의 호족 페이러에게 청명검을 전해주려던 자리에서, 고관 옥대인의 딸 용과 첫 만남을 갖는다. 강호의 삶을 동경하는 용은 한때 그녀를 납치했던 마적단 두목 호를 사랑하지만, 집안의 강요로 원치 않는 혼인을 앞두고 있는 처지. 그날 밤, 정체 모를 자객이 청명검에 손을 대고, 수련은 범인의 뒤를 쫓아 결투를 벌이지만, 결국 검을 놓치고 마는데...
Brian's mother
Cheuk is a mainland security officer who's thrown into a race against the clock when he discovers a man is holding an entire school hostage in exchange for his adopted son, so it's up to Cheuk to use his formidable martial arts skills to retrieve the boy and bring him back before the man decides to kill everyone.
Sam's mother
Sam, a fresh graduate from Singapore, works as a journalist in Hong Kong to gain wider exposure in life. He chances upon Jane, an intriguing mainland girl who lives a wayward, depraved life on the streets of Hong Kong. Because of her previous experiences in life, she is highly distrustful of men and spends her days smoking, taking drugs and booze. Sam, from a rich Singapore family, finds his social view broadened as he spends time with Jane in an effort to capture a good feature story. What started out as fascination over her for a cover story develops into a heart-warming love story. The two fall in love but their love is tested under the harsh light of societal comparisons.
Bai Sulian
1913년의 어느 아침. 화영웅은 위대한 무예가 금오 사부를 만나기 위해 먼길을 떠난다. 사부의 제자로 받아들여진 영웅이 짐을 꾸리기 위해 돌아와 보니 집은 피 냄새로 진동했고 기둥엔 부친의 시체가 걸려 있었다. 그가 없는 동안 중국을 병들게 한 서양인들에 대한 탄원기사를 쓴 부친을 살해하기 위해 찾아든 이방인들이 집을 습격했고, 영웅의 가족들을 몰살한 것이다. 영웅이 돌아오기만을 기다렸던 모친은 영웅에게 부친을 살해한 자들에 대한 이야기를 들려주고 마지막 숨을 거둔다. 증오와 복수심으로 가득 찬 영웅은 살인자들을 찾아내 ‘붉은 검’으로 처단하지만 쫓기는 신세가 되자 미국으로 도피할 계획을 세운다.
Four Chefs and a Feast is a drama starring Jordan Chan
Self (Archive Footage)
The sequel of "Top Fighter" focuses in the importance of the women in the martial-arts movies, from her first characters as "hero's girl" until becoming superstars by themselves. A voyage by the times and the most famous beauty fighters from this genre: Angela Mao, Michelle Yeoh, Cynthia Rothrock and much more.
How to Meet the Lucky Stars is a 1996 Hong Kong film and the final film in the Lucky Stars film series. Featuring the "Lucky Stars" Sammo Hung (in a supporting role and another role as a cop), Eric Tsang, Stanley Fung, Richard Ng, Michael Miu and new cast member Vincent Lau as Hung's younger cousin. Also featuring a number of guest appearances including Françoise Yip, Natalis Chan, Chen Kuan Tai, Cheng Pei-pei, Chan Hung Lit and Nora Miao. Produced by Eric Tsang, directed by Frankie Chan with action choreography by Yuen Cheung-Yan and Mars.The film was released as a benefit film for the famous Hong Kong film director, Lo Wei, who died in 1996.
In late Qing, restless and upheavals occurred everywhere in China. So Hat Yee, the leader of a patriotic society, together with the sup-porters started to initiate a revolution against the corrupt and dictatorial government. Unfortunately, the wicked governor, Lee Chun destroyed their apple cart. He manipulated Man King Long as a spy to lure the revolutaries into a lethal trap. In such an zero hour, Wong Fei Hung and the other revolutaries had no alternative, but only fought to the death. Could these righteousness fighters get the final victory?
The young cartoonist Gao Dewei, played by Wu Zhenyu, has a cowardly character and a strict tutor. He uses the drawing of Superman to express his feelings.
Li Han-Hsiang's last film.
Ng Mui
중국 운남성의 한 작은 마을에서 풍작과 만선을 비는 제사를 지내던 중 갑자기 나타난 산적 때문에 엉망이 되는 일이 발생하자 인근의 쿵후 사범들이 이들과 대적하지만 역부족이었다. 이 때 영춘이라는 여인이 나타나 산적을 전부 물리친다. 17세 때 강제로 결혼시키려는 두부 장수인 부모의 뜻을 거역하고 남장한 채 무술을 익힌 영춘은 고모를 도와 두부 장사를 계속한다. 이때 이웃마을에 나타난 황학주라는 남자가 영춘과 결혼하려고 한다. 그러나 그는 염낭이라는 여인을 영춘으로 잘못 알고 접근한다. 한편 염낭에 눈독을 들인 산적이 염낭의 납치에 실패하자 영춘에게 1대1 도전장을 보내게 되는데...
Kung Fu Mistress is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Kara Hui.
Kung Tse Sam
Madame Wah
당백호(주성치 분)는 서화로 당대에 이름을 날리는 유명인으로 조정의 영왕은 그의 재주를 높이 사 자신의 수하에 두려고 여러번 사람을 보내지만 매번 당백호의 재치로 이를 잘 넘긴다. 그러던 어느날 당백호는 친구와 거리를 거닐다 추향(공리 분)을 만나 한눈에 반한다. 그러나 추향이 화부 집안의 몸종인 것을 안 당백호는 하인으로 들어가 추향과 가까워지도록 노력하지만 그녀는 냉담하기만 하다. 추향이 자신의 시를 좋아한다는 것을 안 당백호는 자신의 신분을 밝히려하지만 용기가 생기지 않는데 이때 영왕이 화부를 찾아와 트집을 잡지만 당백호의 지혜로 뜻을 이루지 못하고 돌아간다. 이 일로 정체가 들어난 당백호는 화부인에 의해 집안에 갇히고 치욕을 갚기 위해 영왕의 참모인 탈명서생이 다시 찾아오는데...
미래 홍콩 영화 스타의 산실, 경극 학교. 시대의 흐름에 따라 사그라져 가는 학교의 명망에도, 우점원 사부의 엄격한 가르침 하에 열혈 수학하는 학생들 - 액션 스타인 홍금보가 자신의 은사인 우점원 사부로 분해 매서운 지도자를 연기했다. 제작자 겸 배우로 성장한 홍금보의 학생 시절을 그려낸 자전적 영화. 홍콩 영화 거물 배우들의 옛 모습을 만날 수 있는 영화로 그 감흥이 새롭다.
It's the 10th century BC, the emperor (Tien Feng) is not well, and the medicines he is receiving from con artist "Immortal Li" are in reality only making him worse. There is a man in a nearby kingdom, "Divine Physician" Chang Po-chao, whom it's said could cure his epilepsy, but the only way to bribe the head of the border guard is with a new work by painter Wei Yu-pi. He, meanwhile, wishes to be paid in jade, in fact with a specific piece, which requires a thief. But Ting Yu-yu, the best in the area, claims to be retired, though his daughter Li-ting (Cheng Pei-pei) seems enthusiastic. And for the sake of secrecy, the archivists originally sent to recruit Chang don't even know it's on behalf of the emperor!
Jo 'Lady Piranha' Chan
Six female POWs lead an escape from a North Vietnamese prison camp, then join the local rebel forces to plan an attack to wipe out the camp and free the rest of the prisoners.
Hu Pien-Tze
The Empress Dowager flees when the allied forces descend upon the capital. During an attack by bandits, her jewels are lost in the mountains. Ten years later, a local villager finds the treasure. When news of the found jewels spreads, a group of bandits descends upon the town hoping to find the treasure, but first they’ll have to deal with the villager’s daughter, Tigress (Pei-Pei Cheng), who is quite dangerous due to her amazing fighting skills.
Shao Ying
Story is about how a revolutionist, played by Cheng Pei Pei, taking on the identity of a Captain's (Ou Wei) long lost sister who is actually dead. Cheng manages to fool the Captain for a while, but little by little, the Captain catches on to her and the revolutionist's plan to stop Chinese-Japanese relations.
Two sisters, Ching-ping (Irene Chen I-ling) and Pai-hung (Betty Ting Pei) struggle to find a workable act after their magician father and younger sister leave to try their luck in Taiwan. A good friend gets them cast in a new movie, and the rest is history....
Miss Yun/Yang Kai Yun
양천웅(라유)이 호송하는 관료 일가 재산 30만 표의 은이 괴한에게 도둑맞고 만다. 표를 훔친 자는 귀신과 같은 채찍 솜씨였다고 한다. 무술계의 달인은 모두 자신에게 혐의가 걸리는 것을 두려워해 결집해서 범인 찾기에 분주했다. 사람들은 영자신편으로 불리는 채찍 솜씨를 가진 방승천(전풍)에게 의혹의 눈길을 돌리고 있었다. 그러나 그는 이미 잠적한 뒤인데...
Lady Hermit / Shang Yu-ling
A young Kung Fu student seeks a reclusive teacher so that she may learn to defeat the evil Black Demon. She doesn't realize that the servant woman she befriends is actually the kung fu master she seeks. After Black Demons henchmen attack, the master reveals herself and eventually takes on the student to train her so that they may both defeat the villian. A love triangle complicates things when another student asks for training as well.
Heroine Yen Hsing-kung
The 5 Kao brothers, separated since childhood, are unaware that the master Teng Lung Manor, Lung Chen-feng has killed their father. All five, however, seek to defeat the vicious gangsters at the Manor.
Fang Ying Qi
A young swordswoman named Fang Ying-qi (Cheng Pei-Pei) sets out to join a gathering of the martial world’s leading warriors under the banner of Lord Xia (Fang Mien) and the Flying Dragon Clan. Their mission is to organize the defense of their country against invading Jin forces. Fang also intends to avenge the murder of her parents 20 years past by bandit leader Han Shi-xiong (Huang Chung-hsin). Han has since taken on a new, false identity as a reputable member of the Flying Dragon Clan while secretly working with the Jin to bring down the resistance. Han uses cunning and a network of criminal fighters in an attempt to assassinate Fang, and when that fails, to frame her as a traitor. Once his true identity and intentions are revealed, a determined Fang must rely on her deadly sword skills and assistance from a clever beggar clan leader (Yueh Hua) to stop Han and restore her reputation.
Ngai Jin-Feng
Lo Wei remains internationally famous for directing Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan's first major movies. Cheng Pei-pei is now internationally famous for her superlative role in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. But both were superstars in Hong Kong for decades prior, so any teaming of the superlative "swordswoman supreme" and the vaunted director/writer/actor is cause for celebration. Kao Yuen joins them as a noble swordsman, and watch, too, for award-winning actor Ku Feng as the "Frontier Terror" in the evocative and effective "Martial Art World" adventure.
Shangguan Xiuyi
After the Ming Emperor is overthrown and his infant son put in the care of the Black Dragon Society, a traitorous martial arts clan attacks the society and forces two inexperienced swordsmen to flee with the infant and begin a dangerous journey in search of allies.
Yu Ying
청룡장의 아들이 강간 살인을 행하자 우영이 살해한다. 청룡장의 장주 비도수 초뢰는 건곤검장을 몰살시키고 우영의 아버지인 건곤검장 장주 우원을 추적한다. 초뢰의 악행으로 위기에 처했을 때, 떠돌이 검객 양청이 나타나 우영을 도와 탁월한 비도 솜씨로 비도수 초뢰를 처단한다. 기다리겠다는 말을 전하는 우영을 뒤로하고 양청은 길을 떠나는데...
Qing-Erh / Fan Ying
After being implicated in the theft of the Jade Dragon Sword, Fan Ying (Cheng Pei-pei) is banished to the Dragon Swamp for 20 years. Now, 20 years later, the sword has been stolen again, and the members of Lingshan Clan are sent out to find the culprit. Among those is Qing-Erh (Cheng Pei-pei again), who meets a wandering swordsman (Yueh Hua) searching for the long lost Fan Ying. Together they decide to enlist the help of the Dragon Swamp Master in their respective searches.
Leng Qiu Han (The Jade Raksha)
A fearsome swordswoman known as The Jade Raksha appears in the martial arts world and begins killing people whose surname is Yan. A swordsman figures out who she is, and asks her why - the answer being that a Yan killed her family 18 years ago... but she's not sure exactly which Yan it was. He suggests that killing the innocent is wrong, but she only has vengeance on her mind and is not to be convinced.
Hot Chilli/Pearl
The bandits of Hulu Valley murder the chief of Mei Clan while searching for a treasure map. In retaliation, the clan’s leading swordsman Feng-chun (Chan Leung) infiltrates the bandit’s fortress hideout in anticipation of a surprise attack by a larger force and unexpectedly finds himself romantically involved with the bandit leader’s feisty daughter (Cheng Pei-Pei).
Golden Swallow Xie Ru Yan
강호를 떠나 산속에서 한타오와 함께 평화로운 삶을 살던 금연자. 한편, 도적들을 소탕하며 곳곳을 돌아다니던 은붕(銀鵬)은 자신의 사매이자, 또한 자신이 사랑하는 그녀를 강호로 끌어내기 위해 도적들을 죽인 자리에 금연자의 비녀를 놓는다. 복수를 위해 금연자와 한타오의 은거지로 잠입해 들어온 자객들을 맞고서야 이 사실을 알게 된 금연자는 한타오의 만류에도 불구하고 은붕을 만나러 길을 떠난다. 그러나 강호에 들어온 금연자는 곧 위험에 처하고, 은붕은 그녀를 구하기 위해 칼을 빼든다. 역시 금연자를 사랑하는 한타오 또한 금연자를 찾아오고, 은붕과 한타오는 서로 갈등을 표출하는 가운데 심야의 결투를 펼치게 된다.
Li Bing
Li Bing, a nightclub entertainer and a reformed thief was caught up in a fight against a criminal syndicate after forcing a cohort to return the wallet he previously stole from an assistant of a scientist who has just recently completed a doomsday device.
Chen Yun
Hsiao Yun's rise to fame all results from a lucky break, as she's forced to substitute for another singer at the last second. The girl makes the most of her fortuitous opportunity, creating a huge splash in her debut as an entertainer, a fact which forever changes her life! However, this newfound meteoric rise to fame begins to take a toll on her personal life. For one thing, it starts to complicate her burgeoning romance with her pianist lover. And secondly, she soon finds herself the receiver of some sexual overtures from the producer of her show. What will poor Hsiao Yun do? And will blue skies be smiling at her by story's end?
Kuo Erh Niu
Shaw Brothers Action Drama.
So Jiau Jiau
스승의 뜻에 따라 신검의 오용을 방지하기 위해 이 검을 찾으러 두 사람이 떠난다. 도중에 그들은 역시 검을 쫒는 여검객을 만난다. 그녀가 한 사람과 사랑에 빠지고 생각 없이 다른 한명을 상처 입히자 복잡한 사랑의 비극은 시작된다. 검은 발견되었지만 둘의 사랑과 여검객의 문파에 대한 조급하고 폭력적 행동이 문제가 되는데...
Chia Chuan Chuan
A musical about 3 sisters, singers and dancers, and their dad, a magician performing in nightclubs until they make their own life.
Herself (Cameo)
Hong Kong musical directed by Lo Chen.
White Bone Demon
The mythological tale of a quest from China to India to bring back Buddhist scriptures, famous for the adventures of Sun Wukong, the notorious Monkey King.
Golden Swallow
공무차 사막을 지나가던 지방관리 장푸칭이 도적떼에게 납치된다. 근처의 절을 접수하여 본거지로 삼고 있던 그들은 감옥에 잡혀있는 자신들의 리더를 풀어줄 것을 요구하며 그 지방의 감독의 아들이기도 한 장 푸칭을 인질로 삼는다. 이들을 소탕하고 장푸칭을 되찾아오기 위해 파견된 사람은 바로 그의 친누나인 장시엔. '금연자'라는 별명으로 유명한 그녀는, 도적떼들의 일부가 기다리고 있던 객잔으로 가고, 뛰어난 무공으로 도적떼들을 압도한다. 주정뱅이 걸인으로 보이지만 실은 고강한 무공을 소유하고 있던 대취협의 도움으로 도적들의 은거지에 들어간 그녀는 동생을 찾기 위해 도적들과 한 판 대결을 펼치게 되는데...
Liu Yan-Chang
The Goddess of Hua Mountain is imprisoned for falling in love with a mortal, meanwhile her son is raised in secret until he can attempt to free her.
Dr. Ho decides to move to a backward island off the coast of Taiwan to look for his missing father. He meets nurse Ya Lan (Cheng Pei-Pei) who falls in love with him. But dastardly doings are afoot as Dr. Ho's enemies plot against him.
Lin Chiu-tzu
Taiwan's submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1964
Dancing girl
Admist a rebellion during the Ching Dynasty in ancient China, a nurse flees the palace with a young prince. As an adult, he convinces the daughter of the usurper to betray her father and to assist in restoring him as the rightful monarch.