Antoine Demarescau
After being bullied for months at school, 16-year-old Jonathan douses himself with gasoline and lights a match. Now, in an induced coma, his body covered in burns, his life is on hold, his parents are in shock and the school is in turmoil.
1941년 2차 세계대전 당시 두 명의 유태인 소년이 노란 별을 달고 나치 치하의 프랑스를 탈출하려는 이야기
Everything points to Sébastien, 13, as his father's murderer. With the help of his trusted friends, he uses every stratagem to stay hidden while proving his innocence. But the adult world has other ideas, and under abusive pressure he comes to sign a confession of murder. But, due to Seb's half-sister, the story may not quite be over.