The Lamalera village is located in a small volcanic Island, a poor, barren land, and they catch whales to eat. It is the only way for them to survive. The harpooners are called lamafa in the local language. They are the village's pride because they take the whole responsibility for the very dangerous hunting. In 2018. a tragedy struck the village. Benjamin, a young lamafa, was killed during a spear hunting. His father, Ignatius, was devastated, and Benjamin's brother, Demo, was shocked and unable to go hunting. They blame accidents at sea on a victim's family discord in Lamalera. Ignatius, the master boat-builder, decided to build a new traditional whaleboat to reunite the family bond. The whaling boat is 12 meters long, made entirely of hand-crafted wood, not using a single nail, and is considered an intangible cultural asset.
일본의 전통무술의 역사를 총체적으로 다룬 무술사 다큐멘터리. 부도와 가라데, 검도등의 역사 뿐만이 아닌 일본 무술에 쓰이는 칼의 역사적, 문화적 배경과 해석을 전달한다. 70년대 말 개봉당시 마이애미 국제 영화제에서 대상을 차지 했고, 개봉 한지 40여년이 흐른 지금도 무술팬들에게 끊임없이 회자되는 전설적인 다큐멘터리다.