쉽게 접근하기 어려운 한적한 장소에 기밀리에 운영되는 약물 중독 치료센터가 있다. 그 곳에는 각자 숨기고 싶은 과거를 지닌 환자들이 입원하고 있다. 온몸이 결박되어 후송된 전직 군인 로니는 과거의 끔찍한 환각과 트라우마에 시달리며 폭력적으로 변하곤 한다. 어느 눈보라 치는 날 무자비한 살인사건이 발생하고 연쇄살인마와 대결하던 로니. 끔직한 과거와 함께 억눌러 있던 그녀의 살인 본능이 깨어나고 만다.
Toru centers on the story of a baby boy, named Toru, born with a fatal lung condition. As he only has a few days to live Toru’s parents sign him up for a trial experiment that would simulate a full life in a matter of days. The film follows Toru’s dream-like life simulation as a boy named Todd growing up in a New England suburb, and concludes in futuristic Japan.
Everything around us has a story to tell. Shoes, cans, string, mirrors; everything we see and touch has an epic tale of how it came to be invented or discovered, and the dramatic moments throughout history at which it played an important role. But few of us know these stories. We go through our days blissfully ignorant of the deadly and dangerous road brave men traveled in order to bring coffee to the world, or the pivotal part beer played in the civilizing of mankind. These stories and many more are brought vividly to life in this two-hour special, which follows one man on a journey through the last day of his life, examining and recounting the epic tales of the everyday items he encounters before his ignorance of their stories leads him to his ultimate doom.