Sheena Chou

Sheena Chou

프로필 사진

Sheena Chou

참여 작품

인도차이나의 전설
1959년 인도차이나. 강제 수용소에 갇혀 투견 노릇을 하며 살아가는 전직 권투 선수. 언젠가는 자유를 되찾고 원수를 갚겠다는 실낱같은 희망을 붙든 채 삶을 버텨낸다.
Black Salt
Li Jing
With time winding down towards world-ending devastation, the fate of mankind rests in the hands of Interpol agent Samuel Tharpe.
From the Head
Underneath Times Square, there's a strip club filled with beautiful women. Behind the club's bathroom door is Shoes, a bathroom attendant. For three years, Shoes gives advice, compliments or a sympathetic ear to his visitors, getting occasional tips. But on the night of his three-year anniversary at the club, Shoes' customers and coworkers start to make him look into his own life.