Vigile supermarket
2년차 백수 베르트랑, 예민미 폭발 로랑, 파산 직전의 사장님 마퀴스, 히트곡 전무한 로커 시몽… 가정, 직장, 미래 등 각양각색의 걱정을 안고 수영장에 모인 벼랑 끝의 중년 남자들이 인생의 마지막 금메달을 꿈꾸며 마지막 도전을 시작한다. 오합지졸 수중발레 군단은 수영장의 어벤져스로 거듭날 수 있을까? 이젠 정말 죽기 아니면 까무러치기다!
What happened, that 24th of December? This is what officer Chartier wants to find out. To understand, he will have to go back 48 hours earlier to Franck's Christmas eve. Franck is an insignificant drama-teacher by day, but also belongs to a nameless and leaderless militant organisation - the Animal Liberation Front. These characters are bound by a limitless empathy towards mistreated animals, and will have to show courage to complete a mission they have been preparing for months.
Chauffeur d'Antoine
In Tangiers where he traveled for his work, a man finds the woman he loved, and attempts to revive their romance though it ended some 30 years earlier.