In the heart of a bustling metropolis, Paula, a lonely street artist, entertains people as a living statue. She longs for an impossible love with Agatha, a stone sculpture next to which she can be found every day. One day, when reaching her familiar spot, she finds her stone companion replaced by an abstract, modern sculpture. After a frantic search, she discovers Agatha cast aside amidst a group of discarded, classical statues who have lost their place in the modernizing sculpture park. As the sun sets, Paula finds herself trying to wake the lonely statue from her stone slumber.
Modern, Hip, Chic, Love! 지금 바로 이 순간! 가장 떠나고 싶은 도시 ‘베를린’ 그곳에서 펼쳐지는 환상과 낭만의 러브 스토리. 올겨울, 당신은 베를린과 사랑에 빠진다!