Hettie Grey Baker

Hettie Grey Baker

프로필 사진

Hettie Grey Baker

참여 작품

Tom Mix in Arabia
Tom Mix travels from the desert of the American West to the Sahara desert in this picture, which is as much farce as it is Western
Biography portraying the life of the Roman Emperor Nero.
The Honor System
Title Designer
A potentially lost film, this film tells the story of a man is convicted unjustly of a crime and then subjected to inhumane torment in a prison run by corrupt administrators.
A Daughter of the Gods
A sultan agrees to help an evil witch destroy a mysterious beauty if the witch will bring his young son back to life.
Title Graphics
서로 다른 시기에 발생한 이야기를 동시에 진행한, 구성이 매우 복잡한 흑백 작품으로, 20세기 초 미국 젊은이들의 고민, 16세기 유럽 종교개혁 시기의 위그노 학살, 예수의 생애에 대한 에피소드, 고대의 바빌로니아 이야기가 동시에 등장한다. 선구자적인 이런 시도는 다음 세대 영화인에게 영감의 원천이 되었다. 시간적으로는 서양 고대에서 20세기 현대를, 공간적으로는 오리엔트에서 출발해 지중해를 지나 서유럽을 거쳐 미국 역사를 동시에 다루었다. 흥행에는 실패하였지만 데이비드 와크 그리피스는 이 작품으로 영화 예술의 아버지라 불렸다.
The Chechako
The Chechako is a 1914 adventure drama based on Jack London's Smoke Bellew
The Real Thing in Cowboys
Scenario Writer
Elsie's idea of a real man was a dummy dressed like a cowboy, reckless and wild and woolly. Wallace Carey, a gallant city businessman, rich, attractive, and well dressed, was in love with her, but she wanted a real cowboy for a husband.
Burning Daylight: The Adventures of 'Burning Daylight' in Alaska
Elam Harnish, known as "Burning Daylight," is a leader among the men of Circle City, Alaska in the days before the gold rush. Nell, a dance hall girl, loves Harnish, though he has never offered her anything but friendship. Harnish's hunch that the big strike is coming soon proves true, and he throws himself into the frenzy of activity that follows, staking claims and eventually accumulating eleven million dollars. Harnish leaves Alaska for San Francisco without knowing that Nell has killed herself because of his departure. -From TCM.com Database, powered by the AFI.
An Odyssey of the North
Based on the short story "An Odyssey of the North" by Jack London in his The Son of the Wolf: Tales of the Far North
The Irony of Fate
Virginia Jameson, a girl of lovely disposition, is wooed by a man much older than herself whom she very much dislikes, but who stands very high in the favor of her parents. She might have married another man had not fate decreed otherwise. She meets and accidentally escapes the man she could have loved and would have married; she stooped to tie her shoe-strings, diverting her attention from him. Had their eyes met, both their lives would have been different. Leroy Farley, the man favored by her parents, prevails and she marries him. Her life is unhappy, notwithstanding his great riches and social prominence.