Matt Schichter

Matt Schichter

프로필 사진

Matt Schichter

참여 작품

크리스마스 소원이 사라졌어요!
Business Man
크리스마스를 맞아 어린이들이 산타에게 보낸 소원 편지를 요정들이 실수로 불태워버린 후 직접 마을로 내려가 소원 찾기에 나선다는 이야기의 어린이 영화
Lennon or McCartney
Camera Operator
550 artists were interviewed over ten years. At some point during those interviews, they were asked a question and told to answer with one word only. Some stuck to one, some said more, some answered quickly, some thought it through, and some didn't answer at all. That question… Lennon or McCartney?
Lennon or McCartney
550 artists were interviewed over ten years. At some point during those interviews, they were asked a question and told to answer with one word only. Some stuck to one, some said more, some answered quickly, some thought it through, and some didn't answer at all. That question… Lennon or McCartney?
Lennon or McCartney
550 artists were interviewed over ten years. At some point during those interviews, they were asked a question and told to answer with one word only. Some stuck to one, some said more, some answered quickly, some thought it through, and some didn't answer at all. That question… Lennon or McCartney?
Lennon or McCartney
550 artists were interviewed over ten years. At some point during those interviews, they were asked a question and told to answer with one word only. Some stuck to one, some said more, some answered quickly, some thought it through, and some didn't answer at all. That question… Lennon or McCartney?
Lennon or McCartney
550 artists were interviewed over ten years. At some point during those interviews, they were asked a question and told to answer with one word only. Some stuck to one, some said more, some answered quickly, some thought it through, and some didn't answer at all. That question… Lennon or McCartney?