"Immigrant" is the coming of age story of Daanyik, a nine year-old Russian boy, whose family immigrates to the United States in the late nineteen-seventies to pursue the American Dream. Daanyik's childhood of pencil drawings and toy soldier battles in Moscow is interrupted overnight as he is hurled into the harsh reality of adulthood in New York City. Upon losing his father Deema, Daanyik and his mother, Meela, are left poor, alone and helpless in a foreign land. Out of desperation for survival, Meela begins a relationship with Tolik, an abusive man that may have had a hand in Deema's death. Daanyik finds himself trapped in a precarious web of torment brought on by his new stepfather, a lecherous Rabbi and a neighborhood bully. Drawing becomes his only source of comfort and catharsis. As his battles grow fiercer, Daanyik, at the tender age of nine, is left to overcome insurmountable odds to save himself and his mother from complete destruction.
"Immigrant" is the coming of age story of Daanyik, a nine year-old Russian boy, whose family immigrates to the United States in the late nineteen-seventies to pursue the American Dream. Daanyik's childhood of pencil drawings and toy soldier battles in Moscow is interrupted overnight as he is hurled into the harsh reality of adulthood in New York City. Upon losing his father Deema, Daanyik and his mother, Meela, are left poor, alone and helpless in a foreign land. Out of desperation for survival, Meela begins a relationship with Tolik, an abusive man that may have had a hand in Deema's death. Daanyik finds himself trapped in a precarious web of torment brought on by his new stepfather, a lecherous Rabbi and a neighborhood bully. Drawing becomes his only source of comfort and catharsis. As his battles grow fiercer, Daanyik, at the tender age of nine, is left to overcome insurmountable odds to save himself and his mother from complete destruction.
This film is based on a true story, and set in the affluent world of Kentucky thoroughbred horse racing; a close-knit society with a fiercely protected reputation as the guardians of this, "the sport of kings."
A conniving mother tries desperately to marry off her son Barry to a senator's daughter.
A conniving mother tries desperately to marry off her son Barry to a senator's daughter.
Barry Dingle
A conniving mother tries desperately to marry off her son Barry to a senator's daughter.
락 밴드 단원인 듀이 핀 (잭 블랙 분)은 로커 답지 않게 뚱뚱하고 촌스러운 외모 때문에 밴드에서 쫒겨 난다. 월세까지 밀리자, 그는 급한 김에 친구 네드의 이름을 사칭하고, 호레이스 그린 초등학교의 대리교사로 취직한다. 수업 첫날부터, 공부를 가르칠 생각은 않고 시간 때울 궁리만 하던 듀이는 기발하고 엉뚱한 생각을 하게 되는데 앞으로 열릴 락 밴드 경연대회에 자기가 가르치는 학생들과 함께 참석하려는 것! 클래식기타와 피아노, 첼로, 심벌즈 등의 악기를 다뤄본 애들을 뽑아, 리드 기타, 베이스 기타, 키보드, 드럼을 가르치고, 다른 아이들에겐 백 보컬, 매니저, 코디, 장비 담당 등의 일을 맡긴다. 3주동안, 듀이와 아이들은 여자 교장 멀린스 (조안 쿠삭 분)의 눈을 피해 교실에서 락 음악을 연습하고, 드디어 오디션 접수까지 끝낸다. 마침내, 경연대회가 있던 날, 듀이가 가짜 선생임을 알게 된 학부모들은 멀린스 교장을 앞세우고 대회장으로 쳐들어 오는데.
때는 2005년. 빠르고 격렬한 스포츠 광인 조너던(크리스 클라인)은 알렉스(장 르노)로 부터 새로운 팀에 합류해 달라는 제의를 받는다. 알렉스가 개발한 신종 게임의 이름은 롤러볼. 롤러 블레이드와 모터 사이클을 탄 선수들이 지름 15센티미터의 금속 공을 골대에 집어넣는 경기다. 거친 몸싸움 속에 부상자와 사상자가 속출하는 가운데 조너던은 알렉스의 속셈을 눈치챈다. 경기가 격렬해질수록 관중이 더 많이 몰린다는 사실을 간파하고 선수들을 위험헤 빠뜨리고 있다는 것. 이제 조너던과 팀원들은 살아남기 위해 마지막 필사의 생존게임을 준비한다.