Louis Cancelmi

Louis Cancelmi

출생 : 1978-06-09, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Louis Cancelmi is an American stage and film actor. He is best known for appearances in Boardwalk Empire, Blue Bloods, and The Irishman, with the latter role earning him national attention.

프로필 사진

Louis Cancelmi

참여 작품

플라워 킬링 문
Kelsie Morrison
1920년대 오클라호마주 오세이지 부족 땅에서 석유가 발견된 후, 부족 사람들이 한 명씩 죽어 나가자 FBI가 미스터리를 풀기 위해 나선다.
펫 숍 보이스
Two young men explore the underbelly of New York and one other.
She's Clean
From the comfort of her bathroom, a resilient woman tries to marry her desires for sexual freedom with emotional intimacy by showering with all her dates. Maybe just enjoying the ride is as intimate as it's going to get?
타미 페이의 눈
Richard Fletcher
한때 미국을 떠들썩하게 만들었던 유명 방송인 타미 페이 배커(Tammy Faye Bakker)와 짐 배커(Jim Bakker) 부부의 실화를 그린 영화다. 물론 제목에서 알 수 있듯이 타미 페이에게 좀 더 초점이 맞춰져 있다. 1970년대 기독교 방송 네트워크를 설립한 부부는 직접 프로그램에 출연하며 인기와 명성을 쌓았는데 흥망성쇠를 거친 뒤 1992년 전격 이혼했고 그 후 타미 페이는 재혼해 살다가 암으로 세상을 떠났다.
팀 마르코
11살 마르코는 각종 전자기기에 푹 빠져서 집을 나가는 일이 거의 없었지만, 외할아버지가 마르코의 집에 같이 살게 되면서 그의 삶은 180도 바뀌게 된다. 할아버지의 강력한 리드 하에 마르코는 밖에 나가 놀기 시작하는데, 동네 구장에서 매일 게임을 함께 하는 할아버지의 친구들을 만나게 되고, 역사 깊은 게임 ‘보체’도 배우게 된다. 스포츠와 웃음 그리고 사랑과 함께 마르코는 진짜 현실 속 타인과의 관계를 맺게 된다. (2020년 제8회 서울구로국제어린이영화제)
Give or Take
When a disillusioned New Yorker's father dies, he goes home to Cape Cod and prepares the house for sale while sharing it with his father's temperamental live-in boyfriend. Grieving, they circle each other, butt heads, and negotiate how to remember the man they both loved, and the significance of what he left behind.
21 브릿지: 테러 셧다운
뉴욕 맨해튼 중심에서 벌어진 경찰 연쇄 살해 사건, 범인을 잡기 위해 베테랑 경찰 ‘데이비스’는 극단의 조치를 취한다. 주어진 시간은 단 3시간! 모든 수단과 방법을 동원해 놈들을 잡아야 한다.
Inez & Doug & Kira
When a bipolar woman commits suicide, her sister and her sister's fiancé become entangled in an attempt to discover what pushed her to the brink.
Georgica, a seemingly bizarre story of a woman who spends the summer stealing the sperm of young, attractive male life guards by planting condoms where they frequent, stalking them at night and then retrieving the sperm from the used condoms to inseminate herself. It is only after we expose Sophie's past that we start to realize, maybe she's not so crazy after all.
Windows on the World
After watching the news on 9/11 with his family, Fernando travels from Mexico to New York City to find his father, an undocumented worker at the World Trade Center's famous Windows on the World restaurant.
Mass Hysteria
A group of Salem Witch Trial re-enactors find themselves at the center of a modern-day witch hunt.
Fragments 83
Title Designer
Fragments 83 rediscovers—and repurposes—Richard Millen 1983 experimental film If You Can’t Be with the One You Love, shot in Brooklyn and the West Village in the early days of the AIDS epidemic. The resulting documentary explores the hunt for sex/love, the joy of making cinema, and the inexorable passage of time.
피츠 앤드 스타츠
A struggling writer can't seem to escape his wife's literary success. When a road trip to a publisher's salon takes an unexpected turn, he has to face his own creative shortcomings and find a way to regain control of his life and work.
Memory Box
A young mother works at a memory-recreation facility. When a client pushes her to break the rules, she's forced to decide how far she's willing to go. Dreams and fantasy become entangled with memory as power shifts hands.
대니와 엘리
실수로 수수께끼 가방 교환을 다른 사람과 하게 되어 다시 찾는 과정을 그리고 있는 이야기.
Manhattan Romance
Danny, a commercial editor and documentary filmmaker attempts to finish his film, a study on relationship while navigating the relationships in his own life. Will he continue to chase the unattainable Theresa a hippy new age dancer(Caitlin Fitzgerald) or will he finally admit he's in love with his best friend Carla (Katherine Waterston) who is in an unfulfilling relationship with a political strategist(Gaby Hoffman). Manhattan Romance is a funny insightful look at contemporary life in Manhattan. It explores new age ideas and open relationship as well as true friendship and connection.
And It Was Good
Sesto Basti
A couple reunites after a long separation to find themselves in a world that seems designed for their enjoyment and comfort. They immediately get married. During the ceremony, the Judge marrying them confronts them with the reality of their own mortality and challenges them to fight together against death. This perfect wedding day is returned to periodically throughout an examination of their future as they cope with life, love, and death.
Please Be Normal
Victor is a struggling playwright and theater director and his girlfriend Mary is expecting their first child. He has a temporary job in construction to make ends meet, but the dusty, dirty job exhausts him. Across town, Mary is a manager in a tony Madison Avenue boutique. The young couple is about to move out of their bohemian apartment in Brooklyn to the suburbs, all funded by Mary's father. As Dad keeps buying buying them things they could never afford, Victor's sense of entrapment grows. His inner struggle to meet their expectations seems to be guiding him towards a way of life he is unwilling to accept.
어메이징 스파이더맨 2
Man in Black Suit
스파이더맨의 삶에 완전히 적응한 피터 파커는 거미줄로 뉴욕을 활강하며 위험에 처한 시민들을 구해주고 사랑하는 연인 그웬과 데이트를 즐기며 행복하게 살아간다. 그러던 어느 날, 스파이더맨의 열렬한 팬이자 오스코프사의 전기 엔지니어인 맥스는 작업 중 치명적인 사고로 자신에게 엄청난 능력이 생긴 것을 발견한다. 하지만 이 능력으로 인해 뉴욕을 마비시킨 대규모 정전사태가 발생하고 사태를 해결하기 위해 나선 자신의 영웅 스파이더맨에게 공격을 당하자 배신감을 느끼고 분노하는데...
Jenn and Matt are best friends from college who are now in their thirties. Single by choice, Jenn spends her days teaching hot yoga and running errands for her boss. Matt suffers from comic-book writer's block and can't get over his ex-boyfriend. They decide to fulfill a promise to have a child together... the old fashioned way. Can they navigate the serious and unexpected snags they hit as they attempt to get their careers and dating lives back on track in preparation for parenthood? 'Gayby' is an irreverent comedy about friendship, sex, loneliness, and the family you choose.
A New Yorker moves to the country with her boyfriend, where her new friendship causes a problem as her partner also takes an interest in the woman.
Gabi on the Roof in July
An ambitious painter on the verge of a big break confronts his moral decay when his idealist, hell-raising, younger sister comes to stay with him in New York City for the summer.
Deception Road
A darkly comic thriller set in the atomic age about a husband and wife who will stop at nothing to become the perfect, ideal nuclear family.