Script Supervisor
An erstwhile late-night comedy writer Max Brandel who blows up his successful career — and marriage — to become a somewhat less successful stand-up comic. Moving in with his father Stan, a gifted but eccentric chef turned doorman, and at loggerheads with his ex-wife and her new partner over how to best provide accommodations for their 9-year-old autistic son, Ezra, and give him the happy life he deserves. Brandel decides the solution is to kidnap Ezra and take him on a trek across the country. The result is honest, hilarious, and heart-warming.
Script Supervisor
비버필드 마을에 새로운 산림 관리원으로 오게 된 '핀' 그리고 집배원 '세실리' 그들이 오고 얼마 지나지 않아 엄청난 눈보라에 마을은 고립된다. 한 공간에 모인 비버필드 사람들은 인간 혹은 짐승으로 추정되는 무언가로부터 한 명씩 살해당하는데.. 두려움에 가득 찬 마을, 서로를 믿지 못하는 사람들, 끝없는 의심이 시작된다! 우리 중 그 놈은 과연 누구일까?
Script Supervisor
The story of Stan, an orphaned teenager stuck living with his abusive grandfather and tasked with routinely protecting his best friend from high school bullies. When Stan discovers a murderous creature has taken refuge inside the tool shed in his backyard, he tries to secretly battle the demon alone until his bullied friend discovers the creature and has a far more sinister plan in mind.
Script Supervisor
뉴욕에서 자금세탁 감독원으로 일하는 ‘듀란’은 갑작스럽게 고향 엘바 지사로 발령받게 된다. 전임자의 업무를 정리하던 그는 우연히 의심스러운 가상화폐 거래 내역을 보게 되고, 비트코인에 빠져 있는 친구 ‘얼’의 도움을 받아 사건을 조사하게 된다. ‘듀란’은 점점 사건을 파헤칠수록 가상화폐가 러시아 마피아 조직과 연관되었다는 사실을 알게 되는데…
Script Supervisor
A married woman loses her memory after a train accident. As her memory starts to return, she thinks she might have had an affair with a missing man.
Down and out, directionless, and without a driver's license, Emma is going nowhere fast and she knows it. The men and women this bisexual enigma has been sleeping with think she's a waitress, an artist or a kindergarten teacher... while in reality, she works in a seedy porn shop, dressing up nightly as various "sexy" characters. One night at the local Albany bar, Emma meets Mason, a transgender IT technician who seems to have it all. Could Mason be the knight in shining armor she's been searching for? Soon, Emma finds her web of carefully crafted lies beginning to unravel when she encounters one of the few things she hasn't before- sincere feelings for another person. Little Bi Peep... it's hard to find someone to love ewe.