Sven Löfgren

참여 작품

Pippi Goes on Board
Man at the Shooting-Booth
Pippi Longstocking lives alone in Villekulla because her mother is an angel in heaven and her father is a pirate king in the Southern Seas. She befriends her next door neighbors, siblings Tommy and Annika, who are swept into Pippi's wild adventures.
Docking the Boat
Property Master
A group of party goers have trouble getting their boat ashore on a small island. The inhabitants of the island try to help, often with the help of an old sailor, and the results are absurd and hilarious.
Docking the Boat
A group of party goers have trouble getting their boat ashore on a small island. The inhabitants of the island try to help, often with the help of an old sailor, and the results are absurd and hilarious.
Property Master
16 -year-old Mari has just been released from a juvenile detention school after one year of treatment. To prevent her from making contact with her old gang, she is sent to Skåne in southern Sweden, where she will work in a dairy shop. She doesn't like being there so she decides to run away and hitchhike her way up to Stockholm. She makes contact with her old gang but realizes that she's not welcome anymore and her boyfriend has even hooked up with a new girl.
Heaven and Pancakes
Property Master
Sequel to Sjunde himlen (1956). Dr. Lovisa Sundelius (Sickan Carlsson) and radio host Willy Lorens (Hasse Ekman) have been happily married for a couple of years, but when Willy becomes a TV host with cutie Suss (Lena Granhagen) by his side, things start to fall apart
Miss Chic
Property Master
An agent on the brink of bankruptcy finds a reluctant singing talent on a TV quiz show.
Miss Chic
An agent on the brink of bankruptcy finds a reluctant singing talent on a TV quiz show.
Jazz Boy
Property Master
The rich young man Teddy Anker invests his money in the theater at the beginning of the 1920s. Whatever he does becomes a success. He falls in love with a dancer, Karin. He decides to put up a show with Karin as the leading lady, but for the first time one of his shows becomes an economic disaster.
모니카와의 여름
Truck Driver behind Harry
특별할 것 없는 작은 상점에서 각각 일하는 열일곱의 모니카와 열아홉의 해리는 우연히 바에서 첫만남을 갖게 된 후 연인이 된다. 모니카는 남루한 현실과는 다른 인생을 꿈꾸지만, 부적절한 희롱이 난무하는 일터에서 퇴근해 가족과 함께 살고 있는 허름한 아파트로 돌아오면 그녀를 기다리는 것은 알코올중독 아버지의 학대뿐이다. 해리에게로 피한 모니카는 해리의 모터보트에 숨어 밤을 보내고, 그로 인해 다음날 직장에 늦게 되어 사장의 비난을 들은 해리는 사표를 던지고 모니카와 함께 배를 타고 스톡홀름에서 멀리 떠나버리기로 결정한다. 스톡홀름 군도의 한 작은 섬에 내린 두 사람은 야생에 가까운 환경에서 둘 만의 꿈같은 여름을 보낸다. 그러나 여름이 끝나가고 돈이 떨어지자 더 이상 섬에서의 도피생활은 지속될 수 없게 되고, 둘은 다시 도시의 삶으로 돌아가야만 한다. 임신과 결혼 등, 꿈과는 다른 성장통들이 기다리고 있는 도시에서 모니카와 해리는 각자의 방식대로 삶을 받아들이게 되는데..
Adolf Armstarke
Adolph Turesson is a mild-mannered, meek college professor whose faint-heart isn't impressing the fair-lady he secretly loves, the golden-haired Britta Larsson. Attending a lecture, he witnesses the attention paid to his lady-love by other faculty members, and falls to sleep. He dreams of the olden days and the knights, and the comely ladies of the court over whom they fought. His dream also gives all the cast the change to play a second role. Upon awakening, he proposes to Britta.