Our once beautiful homeland had become uninhabitable. Too dangerous to walk the streets, drive a car, visit friends. Many had already left Syria. Risking their lives on the open water. Giving all we had to the ruthless, opportunists who trade in the currency of human misery. We all spent what little money we had to reach anywhere, a safe place, a new life away from the bloodshed, the bombing, the murder. Europe was meant to offer us hope. Yet the borders closed one by one. We gave up everything, left all we had behind. Living on hand outs, with no shelter, no money and now no hope. I am here, trapped in Calais Jungle. I don’t know where my wife is. The police treat us like animals. They beat us and spray us with teargas everyday. We cannot move forward, we cannot go back. We have to get out of here. I look into the eyes on this camp and I can see it; The blank emptiness of desperation. In another life I was a teacher. Now I’m a refugee. My name is Adnan.
가상현실 기술의 발달로 환상과 현실이 혼합된 근 미래의 유럽. 어느 날, 사이버 세계 속에서 한 테러조직에 의한 살인사건이 발생하고, 가상과 현실의 구분 없이 살고 있는 사설탐정 ‘내쉬’는 이 테러조직을 추격하기로 한다. 온라인 가상의 세계와 현실을 오가며 테러리스트를 쫓기 시작하고, 이는 되돌릴 수 없는 결과를 불러오는데…