After experiencing a series of traumatic, seemingly unrelated, accidents, Eva begins to notice that her daughter Luna is behaving in increasingly strange ways.
A painter becomes obsessed and begins an affair with a mysterious woman who was touched deeply by one of his works.
조용한 시골 마을. 오랜 시간에 걸쳐 공장에서 화학 약품들을 무단 방류한 탓에, 오염된 하수구에 살고 있던 달팽이들이 약물로 인해 변화한다. 그 뒤 몸집이 커지고 공격적인 성격으로 바뀌면서 마을은 삽시간에 재난에 휩싸인다. 호수에서 물놀이를 하던 젊은이를 시작으로, 마을 주민들이 달팽이에 의해 처참한 죽임을 당한다. 결국 많은 인명 피해를 겪은 뒤, 뒤늦게 사태 파악에 나선 인간들은 달팽이들의 서식지를 찾아 반격에 나선다.
Ups and downs of a news agency led by Antonio Borja, a veteran journalist formed during the Franco regime, with the help of his godson and protegé Tomás. The threat of economic bankruptcy, the appearance of Julia, a young journalist from last university generations, the background of the world of tabloids (tricks used by celebrities to remain so, reports sold exclusively by interested parties, photos of Stolen nudes that have been previously agreed) and what is behind the covers of magazines that weekly buy people eager for gossip form the rest of the plot.
A hit man working for the Yakuza double crosses his employers and flees with a cache of diamonds from the latest heist. Injured and hiding in the mountain regions of Spain, with Japanese assassins in hot pursuit, he takes refuge in the home of a local doctor and his two daughters who nurse him back to health and hide him from his pursuers, taking drastic and murderous measures to protect him... for they have plans of their own in store for their current guest.
Sequel to "The Great Family" and "Family and one more". A widower and the godfather of his 16 children, aged two, wistfully contemplate the past. The father was left alone in the family home, but loneliness overwhelms him so he decides to spend some time at home for each of their children, most of whom are married. But the experience ends up being disastrous.
Spain, 1973. Dictator Francisco Franco has ruled the country since 1939 with an iron fist; but he is now a very old and sick man. The future of the weakened regime is in danger. Admiral Carrero Blanco is his natural successor. The Basque terrorist gang ETA decides that he must die to prevent the dictatorship from continuing.
세련된 중년 사업가, 마티유는 7년 전 부인과 사별한 후, '사랑하지 않은 여자와는 절대 섹스를 하지 않는다'는 철학을 가진 남자다. 마티유는, 하녀 콘치타에게 홀딱 반해, 하루가 멀다하고 그녀의 아파트를 드나들며 돈으로 환심을 사려한다. 정작 자신을 데리고 노는 건 콘치타인지도 모른 채. 아슬아슬하고도 감질나게 남자를 농락하던 콘치타는 어느 날 갑자기, 환멸의 편지 한 통과 함께 사라진다. 그후 5개월, 프랑스 파리의 근교 호화별장. 마티유가 우연히 들른 술집에서 재회하게 되는 두 사람. 그날부터 둘의 은밀한 동거는 시작되는데. 콘치타는 기상천외한 팬티를 입고 첫날밤을 치르는가 하면 "나의 모든 것을 주면 당신은 날 사랑하지 않을 것..."이라는 달콤한 변명으로 그와의 잠자리를 거부한다. 그러던 어느 날 마티유는 자신의 집에서 젊은 애인과 놀아나던 콘치타를 발견하고 내쫓는다. 7개월 후, 스페인 세비아의 한 작은 마을. 점점 시들어가던 마티유는 참다못해 콘치타를 찾아간다. 하지만 뜻밖의 사건이 벌어지고. 실오라기 하나도 걸치지 않고 스트립쇼를 하고 있는 콘치타의 충격적인 모습. 그녀의 팬티는 난공불락이 아니었던가? 마티유는 콘치타에게 집을 한 채 사주고 일을 그만 두게 한다. 밤마다 펼쳐질 그녀와의 멋진 밀애를 상상하며. 마침내 그녀의 비밀스런 초대가 있던 날. 콘치타는 철문밖에 마티유를 세워놓고 다른 남자와 정사를 벌인다. 다음날, "당신을 시험해보기 위한 연극이었노라"라 애원하는 콘치타. 하지만 마티유는 파리행 짐을 싼다. 다시 스페인 세비야 기차역. 마티유는 오늘 기차표를 끊은 것이며, 그를 붙잡으려 쫓아온 콘치타는 물을 뒤집어 쓴 것. 그러나 마티유의 이 이야기가 거의 끝날 무렵.
A small-time delinquent young man and a book saleswoman at home delivery, who occasionally engage in prostitution as a derivative of her work, try a way of coexistence on the basis of mutual freedom schemes.
A Spanish insurance company is absorbed by a multinational, so that, in order to modernize, its employees are obliged to carry out some training courses to adapt to the new situation and the new objectives. Given the relevance of what is at stake, the wives of these men will also be involved at work.
The frog test confirms Julita is pregnant. This is usually a great news. In this case, no. She is a victim of premarital sex, and he, Paco, a mechanic who, according to some theories of French biologist, explained by a podiatrist friend, will not be liable. Don Ramiro, the father of Julia, is a liberal-minded man, but when his daughter tells him that she will have a son who will not parent, seeking the solution of fatherhood in his gun regulation.
Lighting Technician
Anselmo is a young anthropologist who is tormented by jealousy, and although his wife Camilla does not give reasons, keeps a close eye on her. After consulting a psychiatrist, the doctor says the problem is him and not his wife. So he plots to verify, once and for all, if his suspicions are true. By chance he meets an old friend, Lotario, who seems the ideal person to carry out his plans. What Anselmo does not know is that his friend is a real womanizer who ends seducing his wife.
Lighting Technician
Juana and Francisca are serving at the Stevens house, an American couple. Both of them have a boyfriend, one is an egg-carrier and the other is a transporter with his own motorcycle. And both with a totally totalitarian and macho concept regarding male-female relations. The girls also have two American suitors assigned to the American Base of Torrejón, friends of their masters. Thus, without almost pretending, the two girls will find themselves in the midst of the jealous Spaniards and the beefy Yankees.