Michael Frenschkowski

참여 작품

Line Producer
1977년, 통일 이전의 베를린. 정신과 의사 클램페러를 찾아온 패트리샤는 무용 아카데미에 마녀들이 산다는 이야기를 늘어놓는다. 의사는 진료 노트에 자신이 만든 괴담을 사실로 믿고 있다며 패트리샤의 이야기를 망상이라 기록한다. 한편 블랑 선생의 지도를 받기 위해 미국에서 베를린으로 건너온 무용수 수지는 무용 아카데미에 입단해 블랑의 마음을 사로잡는다. 선생들은 수지를 패트리샤, 올가에 이어 마녀 마르코스에게 바칠 제물로 여기지만 블랑은 수지가 범상치 않은 존재라는 걸 직감한다. 수지 역시 블랑에게 춤을 배우며 잠재된 내면의 능력을 일깨운다.
아이보리 게임: 상아 전쟁
Line Producer
다큐멘터리 영화 제작진이 국제 상아 밀수업체 네트워크에 침투하여 부패한 밀렵꾼들과 그들의 행위를 폭로하고, 멸종 위기에 처한 아프리카 코끼리의 안타까운 상황을 조명한다.
바람의 형제들
Executive Producer
'브라더스 오브 더 윈드'는 헤라르도 올리바레스와 옷마르 펜케르가 공동 연출한 영화
Glamour & Glory
Superstar Alexander Marcus is on top of the world, worshipped by his fans. Wherever he and his companion Globi show up, there's excitement. Nobody knows that Alexander has become addicted to the dangerous drug egoin, thanks to his evil new manager. After a high dosis and bad trip, his career is destroyed, Globi vanished, and Alexander hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital...
Glamour & Glory
General Franks
Superstar Alexander Marcus is on top of the world, worshipped by his fans. Wherever he and his companion Globi show up, there's excitement. Nobody knows that Alexander has become addicted to the dangerous drug egoin, thanks to his evil new manager. After a high dosis and bad trip, his career is destroyed, Globi vanished, and Alexander hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital...
Line Producer
Hoping to entrap Maria von Gall, who runs a courageous underground railroad for Jews in France, the Nazis kidnap her son Thomas, a brilliant 11-year-old chess master. An exchange arrangement goes awry and he sees her die in a hail of bullets; but he is rescued by his American father, whom he has never met before, and who plans to flee with him to Spain. However, Queen Maria had solemnly entrusted her little pawn Thomas with a precious secret and a terrifying mission, and it was time for him to move. A pawn may become an important piece by slowly, quietly advancing all the way through the enemy's ranks. Or a pawn may die trying. Retreat is what a pawn can never do.
Intimate Affairs
Production Manager
When a scholar is haunted by an overwhelming desire to understand the mystery of sex, he decides to conduct an investigation. With two beautiful assistants joining the case, the stakes are raised.