A series of shots from eleven 1970s and 1980s genre/exploitation films are slowed down to near-still moving images. Second feature-length piece in the video art series “The Devonsville Train.”
Virginia Phillips
어느날 미국의 핵잠수함이 한국과 북한 사이 공해상에서 침몰하는 사건이 발생한다. 미국은 침몰한 잠수함을 북한이 인양하지 못하도록 주한미군 소속 정예특급수요원 4명을 사고해역에 급파, 잠수함을 폭파시킨다. 그러나 임무를 완성한 특수요원들은 북한군에 사로잡히게 되고, 미 국방성은 이들을 구출기 위해 구출작전을 수립하지만 미묘한 국제정세를 감안, 계획을 취소한다. 한편, 이들의 자녀 5명은 미 국방성이 포기한 구출작전을 직접 실행키로 결심하고 작전계획서를 훔쳐내어 북한에 잠입하는데.
Depicts a communal flat in Russia where the Government randomly assigns 20 people to live in a one-bedroom apartment.
Patty Garretson
For her upcoming exhibition, "Apology," Lily, a New York conceptual artist, is designing a sound and sculpture installation inspired by the testimony of anonymous phone callers who, after responding to a public advert inviting them to spill their guts, leave messages on her answering machine. When one caller confesses to a murder, Lily begins to suspect that the mystery man may be intending a little "performance" of his own: her death.
John's Secretary
젊고 낭만적인 이혼녀 엘리자베스(Elizabeth : 킴 베이싱어 분)는 화랑에서 근무하던 어느 날 귀공자 타입의 부유한 주식 중개인 존(John : 미키 루크 분)을 우연히 만나게 된다. 그를 만난 순간부터 최면에 걸린듯한 착각을 느끼는 엘리자베스는 시간이 흐를수록 존의 요구가 정도를 벗어나게 되자 자신의 사랑을 돌이켜 확인해 볼 수 있는 시간을 가지려 한다. 그는 사랑을 마치 게임의 일부분 정도로만 생각하는 듯했다. 엘리자베스에게 눈을 가린 채 사랑의 행위를 하게 하고 기묘한 방법으로 그녀를 성의 노예로 전락시키려 했다. 엘리자베스는 존에 대한 강한 회의와 실망을 느끼게 돼 50을 세기전에 되돌아 올 것이라는 확신을 가진 존을 뒤로 하고 왜곡된 사랑의 게임에서 벗어나 수 많은 인파 속으로 걸어 나간다.
Divorced professor Susan Selky lives alone in a Brooklyn apartment with her young son, Alex. When Alex fails to return home from school one afternoon, a frantic Selky contacts the police. Detective Al Menetti, a father himself, takes an interest in the case that quickly turns into an obsession. As a devastated Selky struggles to come to terms with Alex's disappearance, Menetti steps out from behind the badge to continue investigating.
The somewhat frigid Marie falls in love with a man who, as it turns out, seems to have an unhealthy obsession with nuns. Could a childhood trauma have something to do with it?
Amabilia Filicci
Elizabeth Bayley Seton, America's first native-born saint and founder of the Sisters of Charity, is the subject of this inspiring biopic. After the tragic death of her husband, Seton converts to Catholicism. Once again, she suffers terrible loss when two of her children die, but goes on to found the American Sisters of Charity and the first American Catholic schools. Seton died in 1826 and was canonized by Pope Paul VI in 1975.
A man plots to kill his wife and children, seeking advice by disguising his plan as a fictional story for his business.
Janice Harper
The files that escaped the shredder have become an incredible motion picture. From the Kennedys to Martin Luther King. From cab drivers to Congressmen. From housewives to hostesses. He had something on 58 million people. It was all in his files. Now you can see how he used it.
When a deranged woman and her carny boyfriend plot to abduct her biological daughter from the girl's foster parents, the foster mother is plagued by premonitions and psychic visions.
Victoria Price
In 1930s Alabama, nine young black men are accused of raping two white women. The judge in the case, unlike the rest of the town, comes to believe that the boys are innocent and, against all advice from his friends and family, sets them free, which turns the entire community against him.
A Harvard graduate transports a load of marijuana from Boston to Berkeley, California.