Two teenagers in Puerto Rico and the discovery of love through fairy tales and skateboards. Confronted by their desires and repressions, these two teens confront religious and social repressions condemning the chances of accepting their homosexuality.
Two teenagers in Puerto Rico and the discovery of love through fairy tales and skateboards. Confronted by their desires and repressions, these two teens confront religious and social repressions condemning the chances of accepting their homosexuality.
Two teenagers in Puerto Rico and the discovery of love through fairy tales and skateboards. Confronted by their desires and repressions, these two teens confront religious and social repressions condemning the chances of accepting their homosexuality.
Before time was time a fierce battle began between the first beings of the universe. Lucifer and an army of fallen angels rebelled against the Creator and began the longest and most terrible of wars. The war of heaven affects the human race, and the angels watch with despair as humans fall to the temptations of power and evil that Lucifer offers. The final battle is near, and this time there will be no truce. Both armies rely on an ancient prophecy that could end the war, when the chosen one, a kid half human half angel recovers the fire sword and gives the victory to one of them. The end of the world its near.
Bautista is a taxicab driver that has been rented by a woman named Ada. Ada wants him to drive her to the other side of the island with the condition that he doesn't take any other passengers and that he drives her to get some guavas. During the trip, Bautista, a driver for more than 44 years, becomes a storyteller. He tells Ada different stories that he has heard all related to the exotic guava fruit. These stories begin to take life while Bautista tells them, giving us a whimsical touch of magical realism with a Caribbean twist, and showing how fragile the circumstances these characters live are.
Bautista is a taxicab driver that has been rented by a woman named Ada. Ada wants him to drive her to the other side of the island with the condition that he doesn't take any other passengers and that he drives her to get some guavas. During the trip, Bautista, a driver for more than 44 years, becomes a storyteller. He tells Ada different stories that he has heard all related to the exotic guava fruit. These stories begin to take life while Bautista tells them, giving us a whimsical touch of magical realism with a Caribbean twist, and showing how fragile the circumstances these characters live are.
Executive Producer
Raised in New York, Marilyn Morales returns to Puerto Rico to claim an inheritance. Her obsession with Marilyn Monroe, dressing and acting like her, creates a clash of acceptance with the residents of the neighborhood. The new surroundings and clash will lead her in search for her identity.
Raised in New York, Marilyn Morales returns to Puerto Rico to claim an inheritance. Her obsession with Marilyn Monroe, dressing and acting like her, creates a clash of acceptance with the residents of the neighborhood. The new surroundings and clash will lead her in search for her identity.
Raised in New York, Marilyn Morales returns to Puerto Rico to claim an inheritance. Her obsession with Marilyn Monroe, dressing and acting like her, creates a clash of acceptance with the residents of the neighborhood. The new surroundings and clash will lead her in search for her identity.
Paco Rodriguez
푸에르토리코의 작은 섬, 나이 차이가 많은 부부인 헨리(진핵크만)와 샨탈(모니카벨루치)은 태풍 피해 기부금 마련 파티에 참석하려 한다. 그러나 형사 반장인 빅터(모건프리먼)의 진술서 조사 요청으로 헨리는 경찰서로 향하고 샨탈 만이 파티에 참석한다. 경찰서에 도착한 헨리는 빅터와 오웬스(토마스제인)의 심문에 응하고, 전날의 피살자 발견 신고 경위에 대해 조사를 받는다. 그러나, 개를 데리고 산책하다 발견했다는 그의 진술은 번복되고 시간이 지남에 따라 의문을 남기며 헨리는 신경질적으로 변한다. 심문은 점점 그의 사생활에 대한 질문으로 이어지고, 2주전 라 펄라에서의 첫번 째 살인 사건 당일 헨리가 혼자 샨탈의 언니집에 들러 조카들에게 선물을 주었다는 진술을 듣는다. 그리고 그가 환락가를 들낙거리며 창녀와 관계해 왔으며 어린 소녀들과 친하게 지냈다는 사실이 밝혀진다. 옆방의 유리를 통해 아내가 보고 있다는 사실을 알게 된 헨리는 더욱 흥분된 모습을 보이며 안절부절한다. 나이가 젊은 아내를 둔 심정과 어린 조카에게까지 질투심을 느끼는 아내에 대해 토로하는 헨리... 마침내, 헨리에 대한 믿음이 사라진 아내 샨탈은 가택 수색을 허락하고 암실에서는 죽은 소녀들의 사진이 발견된다.. 체념한 듯 자신의 범죄를 자백하는 헨리...그리고 침을 뱉으며 그를 증오하게 된 아내 샨탈,, 그러나 빅터에게 새로운 소식이 전해지고 헨리를 집으로 돌려보내는데...