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참여 작품

Costume Designer
Costume Design
A bee-keeper initiates fight against the society of consumption for saving the bees.
Sinister Shadow
Costume Design
The hidden messages in a famed, mysterious painting by Hans Holbein the Younger are slowly revealed to an art restorer hired to reproduce it.
사울의 아들
Costume Design
나치의 만행이 극에 달했던 1944년, 아우슈비츠 수용소에는 시체들을 처리하기 위한 비밀 작업반이 있었다. ‘존더코만도’라 불리던 이들은 X자 표시가 된 작업복을 입고 아무 것도 묻지 않고 오직 시키는 대로 주어진 임무를 수행한다. 그러던 어느 날, ‘존더코만도’ 소속이었던 남자 ‘사울’의 앞에 어린 아들의 주검이 도착한다. 처리해야 할 시체더미들 사이에서 아들을 빼낸 ‘사울’은 랍비를 찾아 제대로 된 장례를 치러주기로 결심하는데…
Costume Design
Gabriel Ventuza lives the peaceful life of a herbalist, growing and cultivating medical herbs in Italy. One day he receives an order from his older brother who is just out of prison for one day. Gabriel should go to the remote little town of Bogdanski Dolina in Far-Eastern Europe, the place of their childhood and take out the mortal remains of their father, the late people smuggler, the famous Victor Ventuza. Gabriel leaves his "eventless" life behind and goes to accomplish his mission. He is robbed on the way, his belongings, passport, money and even his clothes are stolen and finds himself in a small closed town surrounded by hills of stinking toxic waste, where strange priests rule and fear keeps people quiet, producing a general atmosphere of insecurity.
With a Little Patience
Costume Design
An office clerk as seen during her daily routine - all the little vibrations of her face. And a man, impatiently waiting for her, beyond the windows.