순수한 아름다움 속 거친 야생의 모습을 간직한 얼음의 땅, 오모크. 황제 펭귄은 영하 40도의 눈보라를 견디며 알을 품어내지만, 새끼 펭귄들은 그 중 절반만이 살아남는다. 살아난 어린 펭귄들은 솜털을 벗겨내며 조금씩 커가고, 아빠가 그랬던 것처럼 자연의 신비로운 본능에 따라 이제껏 한번도 본 적 없는 바다를 향해 생애 첫 모험을 시작하는데…
French filmmaker Laurent Chevallier always wanted to make a documentary on an African circus, but there were no native circuses on the continent. So Chevallier decided to help found a circus in Guinea. 36 young people were chosen from the city of Conakry to participate in what would become Circus Baobab. A group of French circus artists were imported to train the participants for 2 years in acrobatics and trapeze. Then the group took their show on the road. This film is Chevallier's account of the troupe's inaugural tour in Guinea, from March 1 - April 11, 2000.