French Montana is many things, including an entrepreneur and Grammy-nominated rapper. But what did it take for a hungry talent from Africa to reach those lofty heights? The Moroccan-born and New York-bred multi-platinum artist behind hits such as Pop That, Unforgettable, and No Stylist is giving us a deeper look through his lens. This globe-spanning showcase provides views of French we haven’t seen, including the unbreakable bond he shares with his single mother, Khadija. Few artists have dominated the charts and impacted the evolution of New York rap like French Montana. From his underground days to chart-busting singles and moment-stealing features, he has been a force in the game for some time, and this film only adds to the legacy of his artistry. Depicting his journey to success, this documentary also features an incredible look at the sustained drive and weighty toll required of those striving for stardom.
Executive Producer
French Montana is many things, including an entrepreneur and Grammy-nominated rapper. But what did it take for a hungry talent from Africa to reach those lofty heights? The Moroccan-born and New York-bred multi-platinum artist behind hits such as Pop That, Unforgettable, and No Stylist is giving us a deeper look through his lens. This globe-spanning showcase provides views of French we haven’t seen, including the unbreakable bond he shares with his single mother, Khadija. Few artists have dominated the charts and impacted the evolution of New York rap like French Montana. From his underground days to chart-busting singles and moment-stealing features, he has been a force in the game for some time, and this film only adds to the legacy of his artistry. Depicting his journey to success, this documentary also features an incredible look at the sustained drive and weighty toll required of those striving for stardom.
Executive Producer
'머신 건 켈리의 라이프 인 핑크'는 최고의 자리에 이르는 여정에서 록스타의 생생한 현실과 압박감을 보여준다. 이 다큐멘터리를 통해 시청자들은 마치 벽에 붙은 파리처럼 머신 건 켈리의 생활 속으로 들어가 ‘티켓 투 마이 다운폴’의 제작과 그다음 스튜디오 앨범 ‘메인스트림 셀아웃’으로 이어지는 중요한 순간들을 지켜본다. 머신 건 켈리의 엄청난 성공의 이면은 물론 레드 카펫의 영광을 넘어 정신적 문제로 분투하며 어린 시절 트라우마와 대면하고 좋은 아버지가 되려 애쓰는 그의 인생을 살펴보고 논란 속 인물의 인간적인 모습을 묘사한다.
The untold story of the world’s longest running video show, Video Music Box. A hip hop mainstay since 1983, VMB gave a platform to artists like Jay-Z, Nas and Mary J. Blige before they hit it big. Host Ralph McDaniels’ archives — amassed over 40 nearly years — reveal the show’s importance to numerous big-name musicians, as well as to the kids that grew up watching.
Filmed at the Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse in Cleveland, Ohio, the 2021 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony honors inductees: Tina Turner, Carole King, The Go-Go's, JAY-Z, Foo Fighters, and Todd Rundgren; along with Kraftwerk, Charley Patton and Gil Scott-Heron; LL Cool J, Billy Preston and Randy Rhoads; Clarence Avant for the Ahmet Ertegun Award. The special music event also features a host of all-star presenters, performers, and special guests, including Angela Bassett, Christina Aguilera, Mickey Guyton, H.E.R., Keith Urban, Taylor Swift, Jennifer Hudson, Drew Barrymore, Paul McCartney, Lionel Richie, and many others.
Self (Archival Photos)
Last Man Standing takes a look at Death Row and how L.A.’s street gang culture had come to dominate its business workings, as well as an association with corrupt LA police officers who were also gang affiliated. It would be this world of gang rivalry and dirty cops that would claim the lives of the world’s two greatest rappers: Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls.
메리 J. 블라이지는 1994년에 발매한 LP 앨범인 '마이 라이프'로 음악계를 뜨겁게 달구었다. 버네사 로스의 다큐멘터리 '메리 J. 블라이지의 마이 라이프'에서 가수이자 래퍼, 배우인 메리는 그 음반에 영감을 주고 자신을 스타 반열에 오르게 한 고통과 축복을 밝힌다. 메리는 자신에게 가장 영향을 미친 앨범을 처음 라이브로 공연하며 25주년을 축하한다.
Executive Producer
힙합의 전설, 노토리어스 비아이지를 기념하는 다큐멘터리. 브루클린 거리를 방황하던 소년은 어떻게 랩의 제왕이 되었을까. 생생한 영상과 인터뷰가 그 여정을 들려준다.
Self - aka Puff Daddy
힙합의 전설, 노토리어스 비아이지를 기념하는 다큐멘터리. 브루클린 거리를 방황하던 소년은 어떻게 랩의 제왕이 되었을까. 생생한 영상과 인터뷰가 그 여정을 들려준다.
Executive Producer
반려견이 기다리는 집으로 돌아가려는 남자. 그를 폭력적으로 제압하는 경찰. 왜 이런 일이 벌어졌을까? 가장 최악은 그 끔찍한 순간이 계속해서 반복된다는 것. 아카데미 후보에 오른 단편영화.
A ceremony for the Class of 2020 inductees into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The ceremony takes place on November 7, 2020 in Cleveland, Ohio, and airs on HBO. The class of inductees includes The Notorious B.I.G., The Doobie Brothers, Nine Inch Nails, T. Rex and Depeche Mode as well as Irving Azoff and Jon Landau who both received the Ahmet Ertegun Award for Lifetime Achievement.
음악, 영화, 방송, 정치. 다양한 분야에서 막강한 실력자이자 거침없는 조언자로 족적을 남긴 클래런스 에이반트. 그의 인생 역정과 성공의 지혜를 다큐멘터리로 만난다.
From the segregated American South to the fashion capitals of the world, operatic fashion editor André Leon Talley's life and career are on full display, in a poignant portrait that includes appearances by Anna Wintour, Marc Jacobs, Tom Ford, Bethann Hardison, Valentino, and Manolo Blahnik.
The first authorized biography of Christopher Wallace, allowing Christopher to narrate his own life story. Using archival footage and previously unknown audio to tell the story along with interviews with those that knew him the best.
최근 들어 사이가 소원해진 4명의 친구들. 그러던 중 한 페스티벌에 참여할 기회가 찾아오고, 이참에 다 같이 뭉치기로 한다. 춤추고, 술 마시고, 수다 떨고, 아낌없이 본능에 충실한 그녀들. 근데 이 여행 무사히 마칠 수 있을까?
A behind-the-scenes look at the prolific label's legacy and offer an in-depth look at the two-night anniversary extravaganza that took place last May at Brooklyn's Barclays Center in honor of the late rap great, The Notorious B.I.G.
그의 손을 거치면 누구나 스타가 되었다. 로큰롤 명예의 전당에 이름을 올린 스타들의 슈퍼스타. 음반 제작자 클라이브 데이비스의 50년에 걸친 음악 인생을 들여다본다. 전 세계인의 심금을 울렸던 주옥같은 사운드트랙과 함께.
Organized Noize shaped the landscape of Hip Hop music with a distinct sound created in the confines of a dungeon. They're responsible for the careers of Outkast, CeeLo, Goodie Mob, and the Dungeon Family. This is the story of the Art of Organized.
The history of Hip-Hop / Urban fashion and its rise from southern cotton plantations to the gangs of 1970s in the South Bronx, to corporate America, and everywhere in-between. Supported by rich archival materials and in-depth interviews with individuals crucial to the evolution of a way of life--and the outsiders who studied and admired them – Fresh Dressed goes to the core of where style was born on the black and brown side of town.
Co-Executive Producer
마약상들이 넘쳐나고 운이 나쁘면 목숨을 잃는 캘리포니아 잉글우드 밑바닥 동네에서 엄마와 살고 있는 고교 졸업반 말콤 아칸데비(샤메익 무어). 괴짜로 통하는 말콤은 90년대 힙합 마니아인 동시에 친구 집(토니 레볼로리), 디기(키어시 클레몬스)와 펑크밴드를 결성해 활동하고 있으며, 하버드를 목표로 할 만큼 공부를 잘한다. 그런데 우연히 마주친 마약 딜러 돔으로 인해 말콤의 평화롭던 일상이 흔들리기 시작한다. 돔의 심부름을 갔다가 만난 나키아(조 크래비츠)를 다시 보고 싶은 말콤은 돔의 생일 파티에 참석한다. 잠시 후 경찰의 습격으로 파티장은 아수라장이 되고, 말콤은 가까스로 현장을 빠져나온다. 다음 날, 말콤은 책가방에서 엄청난 양의 마약과 권총을 발견하는데...
Chris Crawford
전미 최대 스포츠, 미식 축구의 빅 이벤트 ‘드래프트 데이’ 팀의 운명을 결정할 신인 선수 선발전을 앞두고 있는 단장 써니(케빈 코스트너)는 우여곡절 끝에 획득한 1순위 지명권을 두고 깊은 고민에 빠진다. 수많은 구단과 선수, 팬들의 시선이 모두 집중된 운명의 날. 최고의 선수를 차지하기 위한 끊임없는 물밑작업과 치열한 심리전 속에서 갈등하던 써니는 누구도 예상치 못한 과감한 승부수를 던지는데… 과연, 그는 숨막히는 심리전을 이기고 짜릿한 승리를 거둘 수 있을까?
대성공으로 막을 내린 머펫 공연단은 오랜만에 이뤄진 그들만의 공연을 이렇게 끝내기가 너무 아쉽다. 서로 서로 힘을 주며 바로 2편 제작에 들어가는 머펫 극단 친구들. 커밋을 중심으로 다시 유럽 투어에 나서게 된 공연단. 그들에게 나타난 놀라운 능력의 새로운 매니저 도미닉은 베를린부터 유럽 전역을 돌며 공연할 것을 제안하고 베를린에서 시작된 공연은 매진을 기록하며 전세계인들의 사랑을 받는다. 하지만 사실 도미닉은 커밋과 똑같이 생긴 흉악 범죄자인 자칭 일인자 콘스탄틴의 부하 이인자로 커밋을 유인해 시베리아 수용소로 보내고 커밋과 똑같이 생긴 콘스탄틴이 단원들을 속이고 커밋을 연기하며 공연 이외의 박물관 털기 등으로 또 다른 범죄를 저지르고 있다. 약혼녀인 미스 피기까지 속이는 콘스탄틴과 영문도 모른 채 시베리아 수용소에 갇히게 된 커밋. 둘의 운명은 과연 어떻게 될 것인가?
세계적인 패션잡지 ‘보그’에서 10년간 편집장 생활을 하며 정상의 자리를 지켜온 카린 로이펠트. 그녀는 ‘보그’를 떠나 자신만의 새로운 패션지를 창간하기로 마음먹는다. 유명 디자이너의 뮤즈이자 스타일리스트를 거쳐 세계적인 패션지의 편집장으로 명성을 떨쳤던 과거를 잠시 묻어두고, 자신의 이름을 내건 패션북 CR 런칭을 위해 모든 노력을 쏟지만 그 제작 과정은 쉽지만은 않은데… 과연, 그녀의 새로운 도전은 성공적으로 끝날 수 있을까?
Sean Combs (Musical Guest)
At the Show of Shows, John Cena has a chance to rewrite history when he challenges The Rock for the WWE Championship. A brash, remorseless CM Punk seeks the ultimate claim to immortality by attempting to do what no one has done before him - defeat the Undertaker at WrestleMania, ending his double decade-long Streak. Brock Lesnar and Triple H collide in a No Holds Barred showdown where The Game’s illustrious career is on the line. This is the place where legends are made. This is WrestleMania.
Who of the icons Jay-Z, Diddy, 50 Cent and Dr. Dre becomes the first dollar billionaire?
The February 21, 2013 , Santos was presented at Premio Lo Nuestro where he performed his single " Take me with you " 12 February 25, 2013 was presented at the Viña del Mar Festival including " Take me with you " in the list of songs from her presentation
Self (archive footage)
An intimate look at a controversial young video blogger, regarded by millions as the Internet's first rebel folk hero.
Hip-hop superstar Jay-Z in concert with star guests from Madison Sqaure Garden, New York City on the eighth anniversary of the September 11 attacks. Filmed on the day of the release of his Blueprint 3 album, Jay-Z is joined by guests including Rihanna, Kanye West, P Diddy and Pharrell as he performs tracks from the album and classics like Hard Knock Life and 99 Problems. The concert honoured and supported the families of police officers and firefighters who died trying to save others during the recovery efforts of the morning of September 11, 2001.
Sean Combs
수식어가 필요 없는 명품 배우 '호아킨 피닉스'가 배우로서 한창 정점에 오른 2008년에 갑자기 은퇴를 선언한다. 이유는 자유로운 래퍼가 되어 자작곡을 발표하기 위해서! 평소 힙합을 잘 알지 못했던 호아킨은 유명 프로듀서이자 래퍼 디디에게 도움을 요청하지만 그마저도 쉽지 않다. 한편, 언론과 대중은 뜬금없이 래퍼로 나서겠다는 호아킨을 비웃고, 급기야 은퇴 자체가 거짓이라는 언론 보도까지 나오게 되는데...
수식어가 필요 없는 명품 배우 '호아킨 피닉스'가 배우로서 한창 정점에 오른 2008년에 갑자기 은퇴를 선언한다. 이유는 자유로운 래퍼가 되어 자작곡을 발표하기 위해서! 평소 힙합을 잘 알지 못했던 호아킨은 유명 프로듀서이자 래퍼 디디에게 도움을 요청하지만 그마저도 쉽지 않다. 한편, 언론과 대중은 뜬금없이 래퍼로 나서겠다는 호아킨을 비웃고, 급기야 은퇴 자체가 거짓이라는 언론 보도까지 나오게 되는데...
Sergio Roma
LA로 고고! 한물 간 락스타의 화려한 컴백이 시작된다! 영국의 락스타 ‘앨도우스 스노우’는 아프리카의 문제를 노래한 노래 ‘아프리칸 차일드(African Child)’가 ‘남아공화국의 아파르트헤이트 이후 아프리카에서 발생한 최악의 사건’이라는 혹평을 받으면서 몰락의 길을 걷는다. 이때부터 스노우는 알코올과 마약에 취해 살게 되고, 이에 여자친구인 모델 겸 팝스타 잭키 Q마저 떠나버리면서 그녀와의 사이에 태어난 네이플스를 혼자 돌보는 신세가 된다. 한편, 캐피톨 레코드사에서 인턴으로 일하는 24살의 대학원생 아론 그린버그는 의사인 여자친구와 함께 살지만 둘의 관계는 소원하다. 최근 들어 심각한 경영 적자에 빠진 캐피톨 레코드의 간부 써지오 로마는 회사를 살릴 아이디어를 모집하고, 이에 그린버그는 스노우의 데뷔 10주년 기념 컴백 공연을 LA의 명소 그리크 극장에서 개최할 것을 제안한다. 써지오는 아론에게 그 작업을 일임하고, 이제 아론은 약에 찌들은 스노우를 런던에서 LA까지 데리고 와야만 한다. 절대로 어울릴 것 같지 않은 두 사람의 기나 긴 여정이 이제 시작되는데...
A series of vlogs filmed during the production of Arctic Monkeys' third studio album, Humbug.
Executive Producer
브루클린의 빈민가에서 홀어머니 볼레타(안젤라 바셋)와 살고있는 크리스토퍼 ‘비기’ 월리스(자말 울라드)는 17살에 고등학교를 중퇴하고 마약 중개상이 되어 돈벌이를 하는 한편 거리의 랩 배틀에서 재능을 발휘한다. 어느 날 마약을 거래하다가 체포된 비기는 형기를 마치고 나오자 친구들과 함께 데모테이프를 만드는데, 그것이 야심만만한 프로듀서 숀 ‘퍼피’ 콤스(데릭 루크)의 손에 들어가면서 비기에게 대성공의 기회가 찾아온다. 첫 번째 앨범 ‘Ready to Die’를 발표한 뒤 비기는 페이스 에반스와 결혼하고, 웨스트코스트 랩의 거물이자 스타 뮤지션인 투팍과 친분을 맺게 되는데...
A documentary film about Prince's 21 Night Stand at the O2 Arena in London. England.
Walter Lee Younger
Dreams can make a life worth living, but they can also be dashed by bad decisions. This is the crossroads whare the Younger family find themselves when their father passes away and leaves them with $10,000 in life insurance money. Should they buy a new home for the family? Perhaps a liquor store? While no choice is easy, life on the South Side of Chicago in the 1950s is even harder.
As a new chapter begins in this country, THE BLACK LIST offers a dynamic and never-before-heard perspective from achievers of color. This series of inspired - and inspiring - observations on African-American life in the 21st century forms a roll call of some of the most compelling politicians, writers, thinkers and performers ever to tackle their fields of endeavor. Watch the interview-portraits and get a sharper snapshot of where this country has been and where it's headed.
Live broadcast of the concert at Wembley Stadium in London on July 1st 2007 to commemorate the life of Princess Diana on what would have been her 46th birthday. It was broadcast live to over 140 countries.
Himself (archive footage)
The greatest rapper to ever pick up a mic - with his velvety flow and unparalleled rhyme style he captivated everyone from Jay Z to Tupac. Now Notorious B.I.G. is revealed.
Executive Music Producer
A documentary short on the history and culture of graffiti, featuring many of the major players such as JA, Ket, Noxer, Skuf, Chino and more. Produced by Ecko Unltd and released in conjunction with the video game Mark Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure.
Hollywood Nicky
Jay Hernandez (Friday Night Lights), Mario Van Peebles (Ali), Luis Guzmán (Carlito's Way) and Sean Combs (Monster's Ball) star in the gripping tale of the early years of gangster legend Carlito Brigante. Seduced by the power of the brutal New York underworld, he enters a deadly circle of greed and retribution. Assisted by his two brothers-in-crime, Carlito is on the fast track to becoming Spanish Harlem's ultimate kingpin. He quickly learns, however, that the only way to survive at the top is through loyalty to his friends and respect for the rules of the street. (FILMAFFINITY)
Self (archive footage) (as Sean 'P. Diddy' Combs)
This Divided State follows the controversy surrounding Utah Valley State College's invitation to liberal filmmaker Michael Moore to speak on campus. Though UVSC is located in one of the most conservative counties in the United States, vehement opposition to Moore's visit was much greater than anticipated. Equally surprising, however, was the overwhelming support for Moore, vocalized by students and community members previously considered "apathetic." Debate between Moore supporters and Moore protestors raged openly in the media and public forums. Death threats, hate mail, bribes, and lawsuits were all candidly captured on film.
A look at what it takes for young designers to make it in the fashion world.
Narrated By Snoop Dogg- Letter To the President is a feature documentary that showcases the close-knit ties between the Hip Hop Music community and America's social and political policy in the last 30 years.
R&B superstar Usher shows off his sexy and soulful style in this video release. Usher: Rhythm City, Vol. 1 -- Money, Power, Respect features a 30-minute short film which expands on Usher's video for the song "Caught Up," as well as a behind-the-scenes documentary on the making of the movie.
The Notorious B.I.G exploded onto the hip-hop scene in 1994 with the hip-hop anthem "juicy" after blazing remixes for Craig Mack and Mary J. Blige. His now classic debut Ready To Die, the sophomore double CD Life After Death, and 1999's Born Again combine for over 10 million career album sales. Biggie's magnetic persona, signature flow, and imaginative delivery secured Bad Boy Entertainment's place at hip hop's forefront. His tragic deathin 1997 devastated the music world and spawned numerous imitators. Enduring beyond charts and trends, Christopher Wallace is irreplacable and unforgetable. With Duets: The Final Chapter, his legacy as an icon of the art form and the culture lives on.
An intimate look at hip-hop artist Shawn Carter, Jay-Z, revealing the multiple Grammy Award winning artist as never before, from his background and rise to fame to the recording of his last album. The film chronicles the legendary concert of Jay-Z's performance at Madison Square Garden in November 2003. In an unprecedented event, a hip-hop artist sold out an arena in only two hours. Nearly one year later, fans and artists alike still reflect on this monumental musical night. The event was a spectacular culmination of Jay-Z's recording career prior to his self-proclaimed retirement from solo performing. Yet this one night also defined a musical generation, showcasing the evolution and reach of the world's most popular music genre. Guest performers included Jay-Z's closest friends and music industry colleagues: Beyoncé, Mary J. Blige, Missy Elliott, R. Kelly, Foxy Brown, Pharrell, and Questlove and The Illadelphonics along with appearances by hip hop icons Damon Dash.
Anniversary of the 'Bad Boy's'
Anniversary of the 'Bad Boy's'
A documentary on the evolution of MC battles from verbal one-upmanship to street warfare.
If you’re a fan of basketball, or if you’re from New York City, you have heard about Rucker Park, the legendary sports center in Harlem. Stephon Marbury, Ron Artest, Jermaine O’Neal, Lamar Odom, Steve Francis, Kobe Bryant, Vince Carter, Kevin Durant, Jamal Crawford, and plenty of other NBA superstars have all laced their sneakers against equally respected street ballers to put on a showcase for the fans. This documentary covers the scheduled 2003 title match between Fat Joe’s team, Terror Squad, and Jay-Z’s team, Team S.Dot Carter. Things fell apart and the match never materialized. The basketball world was left utterly disappointed, however, the hype alone was substantial enough to never be forgotten.
P. Diddy (himself)
Feel like a guestlisted VIP with this all-access look at the 31st-birthday bash of gangsta rap superstar Snoop Dogg. Recorded in 2003, RAW N UNCUT captures all the musical, sexual, and pharmaceutical decadence expected of such a pimped-out event, offering candid and revealing documentary footage of some hardcore partying, as well as guest appearances by P-Diddy, Warren G, Soopafly, Battle Cat, Bishop Don Magic Juan, E-White, Julio G, Goldie Loc, and many of Snoop's closest family and friends.
A retrospective of the phenomenally popular 1984-1992 situation comedy, "The Cosby Show," complete with memorable clips, bloopers and comments from series stars, producers and Bill Cosby himself.
Self (archive footage)
A star-studded tribute (from the creators of That's Entertainment) to the contributions of Afro-Americans in film over the last century. Vanessa Williams traces the struggles and triumphs of the superstars of music and film. Among the many artists featured are: Whitney Houston, Ella Fitzgerald, Sammy Davis Jr., Diana Ross, Michael Jackson, Cab Calloway, Bill "Bojangles" Robinson, Ella Fitzgerald, and Little Richard, Also included are today's contemporary superstars: Snoop Dogg, Ice T, Quincy Jones, Spike Lee, Russell Simmons, and many, more! 80 minutes plus DVD bonus features.
Hype's acclaim for skillfully imaginative visually intoxicating music videos, The Videos Vol. 1, features 10 videos depicting his creative approach and artistry unmatched while becoming celebrated by music aficionados and film enthusiasts.
Two aspiring boxers and lifelong friends get involved in a money-laundering scheme through a low-level organized crime group.
Lawrence Musgrove
사형수인 남편 로렌스를 11년째 면회해온 레티샤. 이번 면회를 마지막으로 왠지 그의 사형날짜가 가까이 다가오고 있다는 불길한 예감이 든다. 못다받은 아빠의 사랑을 초콜릿으로 해소하는 어린 아들은 점점 더 초콜릿 중독이 되어 가고... 그녀는 아들이 '검둥이인 것도 모자라 뚱뚱하기까지 하다'는 주위의 놀림을 받을까 늘 속상하기만 하다.남편이 사형장의 이슬로 사라지고, 찌든 가난으로 레스토랑 웨이트리스 생활을 시작한 레티샤. 설상가상으..
Arista's greatest recording artists of the last 25 years gather for this May 15th concert in honor of the record label's 25th anniversary. The highly significant place that Arista Records holds in rock history is highlighted here by the high quality of the music performances and the excitement of the celebrities who introduce each segment. Packed with celebrity guests and classic music, this is a once-in-a-lifetime concert.
A documentary about the culture of hip-hop. Through interviews with some of hip-hops biggest names, the film makers attempt to find out why it has become so popular.
Self (as Sean 'P. Diddy' Combs)
Archival music performances and contemporary interviews cover some of the history of Motown Records and Productions.