Alberta Lee

Alberta Lee

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Alberta Lee

참여 작품

Nancy from Nowhere
Adopted by the Kellys from an orphanage, Nancy is reared in dreadful surroundings and mistreated as the household drudge. She accidentally makes the acquaintance of Jack Halliday, son of a wealthy city family who is fishing near her home. When Mrs. Kelly beats Nancy for accepting the attentions of her husband, the girl escapes into the woods and conceals herself in the rear of Jack's car as he drives into the city.
The Fourteenth Lover
Mrs. Hardy
Vi Marchmont (Viola Dana) is a spoiled rich girl who has thirteen lovers. Her Aunt Letitia (Kate Lester) wants her to halt her flirtatious ways and has picked Clyde Van Ness (Theodore Von Eltz) as the right one out of the bunch -- not that Vi agrees. Aunt Letitia sends her off to the country, along with Van Ness and the gardener, Richard Hardy (Jack Mulhall). Vi winds up falling for the gardener, much to her aunt's horror, and in spite of the class differences, he becomes her fourteenth lover.
The Little Minister
Margaret Dishart
A Lord's fiancée poses as a gypsy and falls in love with the new minister.
Magnificent Brute
French Canadian trapper Victor Raoul returns to the trading post at St. Ignace to find a rival for the affections of Yvonne, his business partner's daughter, in the Marquis Courtière, Parisian representative of the fur company. Raoul quarrels with Fontaine over the visitor's business dealings and his attentions to Yvonne.
Not Guilty
A drama of a fugitive from justice and a fugitive from love.
The Cheater
Lilly Meany has grown up amongst charlatans, including her father. She decides to become a faith healer, and her first victim, a rich hypochondriac woman, is easy enough to "cure." In fact, the woman's so happy with Lilly, now calling herself Vashti Dethic, that she recommends her to her nephew, Judah, Lord Asgarby, who has a crippled sister, Eve. The little girl gives Lilly so much innocent trust and love that she actually is able to walk for the first time ever.
The Butterfly Man
Mrs. Blynn
Sedgewick Blynn is determined to marry a rich woman. One night he saves a child from a fire. Bessie Morgan, an heiress charmed by his act of heroism, promises to marry him, but at the last minute her father forbids it. Soon after, Blynn receives a telegram informing him of the death of his mother, and he realizes that he has wasted his life.
The Road to Divorce
Mrs. Bird
Newlyweds Mary Bird and Myron Sharpe share an idyllic life in a small New England town until the birth of their children. Myron becomes discontented as Mary's time becomes more devoted to her children than to making herself attractive for her husband. When Mary's old friend Pauline Dallas comes to visit, Myron finds himself attracted to her chic appearance. The two are on the threshold of a love affair when Mary becomes lost in a storm while boating.
Rouge and Riches
Aunt Lucia
Rebecca Butler, tired of poverty, takes a job in a Broadway chorus line and determines to marry a millionaire.
Prudence on Broadway
Mrs. Ogilvie
Prudence's ( Olive Thomas ) parents send her from their Pennsylvania Quaker colony to a fashionable girls seminary, hoping she can learn about the devil's tricks, instead she engages in girlish pranks, but uses her pure appearance to escape blame. Later, Prudence visits her New York aunt, a society matron, and soon attracts an array of male admirers. She falls in love with wealthy Grayson Mills, but John Melbourne, who lives off of his wife's wealth, plots to seduce her. After Melbourne loans Prudence $200 to pay a gambling debt, he forces her to go to a roadhouse by threatening to show her stern father her canceled check. At dinner, Prudence produces a love letter which Melbourne had earlier written to an actress, and says that if she is not back by midnight, her hotel clerk will show Melbourne's wife his nineteen other love letters. After Melbourne hurries her back, he discovers that she only had the one letter. Prudence now becomes engaged to Grayson.
The Wishing Ring Man
Grandmother Havenith
Forced to wear quaint short dresses and pigtails so that she will inspire her grandfather's sentimental poetry, nineteen-year-old Joy Havenith longs for companions of her own age.
Limousine Life
Mrs. Wills
After leaving her sweetheart Jed Bronson, and small country town life, Minnie Wills (Olive Thomas) obtains a job as a model in a stylish Chicago shop and soon attracts the attention of Moncure Kelts, a wealthy playboy. Enchanted by her beauty and innocence, Moncure proposes, but once she has accepted, he loses interest in her and soon becomes desperate to get rid of her. With her emotions very much under control, Minnie agrees to break off the engagement in exchange for a limousine, a large wardrobe, and a large check, and then returns to Three Oaks. Overjoyed to see her, Jed proposes, and after their marriage, Minnie convinces him to establish a business in Chicago. The plan proves highly successful, and later, when the couple encounters Moncure on the street, Minnie thanks him for giving them their start in life.
An Old Fashioned Young Man
The Housekeeper
A 1917 film directed by Lloyd Ingraham.
The Little Yank
Mrs. Castleton
Sallie is a beautiful Kentucky girl who belongs to a family of Union sympathizers. Her brother is a lieutenant in the Union army, and on a visit home brings Major Rushton, his superior officer, who falls in love with Sallie, "the little Yank."
A Sister of Six
Miss Ruth
A young woman and her five little brothers and sisters are left orphans by the murder of their father over gold found on his ranch. Together the seven offspring fight against their greedy neighbors to keep what is rightfully theirs.
Wife of The Kindly Neighbor (uncredited)
서로 다른 시기에 발생한 이야기를 동시에 진행한, 구성이 매우 복잡한 흑백 작품으로, 20세기 초 미국 젊은이들의 고민, 16세기 유럽 종교개혁 시기의 위그노 학살, 예수의 생애에 대한 에피소드, 고대의 바빌로니아 이야기가 동시에 등장한다. 선구자적인 이런 시도는 다음 세대 영화인에게 영감의 원천이 되었다. 시간적으로는 서양 고대에서 20세기 현대를, 공간적으로는 오리엔트에서 출발해 지중해를 지나 서유럽을 거쳐 미국 역사를 동시에 다루었다. 흥행에는 실패하였지만 데이비드 와크 그리피스는 이 작품으로 영화 예술의 아버지라 불렸다.
Little Meena's Romance
Jacob's Mother
Meena Bauer is the heroine of this romance of a Pennsylvania Dutch girl, who is loved by the son of a Mennonite family. Meena treats Jacob as a joke in spite of the arrangement their parents have made that they should wed. The Mennonite simplicity has no charms for Meena, who proceeds to fall in love with Count Fredrick von Ritz
Martha's Vindication
A 1916 film directed by Chester M. Franklin.
Bred in the Bone
Mrs. Lake
Harvy, the heavy, and Bella, the ingenue, of a cheap theatrical company are encumbered with an infant girl. The husband, a worthless, dissipated character, annoyed by the presence of the child and the care the wife is compelled to give it. deserts them both. The show then "busts" and the mother and the infant are left stranded in a small California town.
국가의 탄생
Mrs. Lincoln
북의 스톤맨가는 과격한 노예제 폐지론자인 아버지 오스틴 스톤맨과 두 아들, 아버지를 보살피는 딸 엘지가 있었다. 카메론의 두 아들이 남부의 피에드몽에 있는 스톤맨가를 방문한다. 카메론가의 맏아들인 벤은 친구인 스톤맨이 갖고 있던 동생 엘지의 사진을 보고 한눈에 반한다. 그후 전쟁의 기운이 몰아치고 북의 통치를 거부하는 남의 분리선언으로 남북전쟁의 소용돌이에 휘말리고 두 가문의 남자들 역시 전쟁에 참가하게 된다. 2년반의 치열한 전투 끝에 남부는 항복을 하고 링컨은 남부에 온건 정책을 쓴다. 그러나 링컨이 존 윌키스에게 저격을 당하여 사망하자 스톤맨이 실권을 장악한다. 남부는 스톤맨의 총애를 받는 혼혈인 린치에게 그 권한이 넘겨진다. 그러나 남부의 무정부적 상태에서 벤의 여동생이 흑인 거스에 의하여 절벽에 떨어져 죽는다. 분노한 백인 암살단은 대학살을 예고하고... 남북의 대립 이전부터 친교를 갖고 있던 북과 남의 훌륭한 두 백인 가문, 스톤맨가와 카메론가의 가족들이 남북 전쟁을 전후로 하여 겪게 되는 사랑과 갈등, 치열한 삶과 죽음의 곡예, 그리고 이들의 정치적 대립과 의식의 변화 과정을 당시의 역사적인 사실을 바탕으로 하여 사실적으로 촬영되었다.
The Wolf-Man
Mary's Aunt
Grinde is a junior partner of a pottery firm. An old chemist, Benjamin Lord, discovers a formula for glazing pottery that is designed to revolutionize the industry. The chemist's grandson, David, takes a sample of the new process to Grinde, who says he will give it consideration. He delegates his foreman, Mole, to steal the formula.