Boom Operator
21세기 초 엄브렐러 제약회사(the Umbrellr Corporrtion)는 미국의 가장 큰 대기업으로 발전한다. 엄브렐러는 모든 가정 뿐만 아니라 정치 경제에도 막대한 영향력을 행사한다. 또한 컴퓨터 의약 보건 분야에서 세계를 이끌어가는 공기업으로 거듭나고 고용인들에게 알려지지 않은 막대한 자금은 무기기술(Military Technology), 유전실험(Genetic Experimentation), 생체병기(Viral Weaponry) 등으로 개발되어진다.
On the French island of Mont Saint-Michel, Sonia meets Jack and Tom. Sonia is a Norwegian physicist who abandoned a lucrative career after discovering that elements of her work were being applied to weapons development. Jack is an American politician attempting to make sense of his recent defeat as a presidential candidate. Tom is a poet, disillusioned former political speechwriter, and Jack's close friend. As they wander the picturesque medieval abbey, the trio engage in a wide-ranging conversation on political and social problems, exchanging their varied perspectives rooted in their different intellectual backgrounds.