Vincent Tricon

Vincent Tricon

프로필 사진

Vincent Tricon

참여 작품

A dodo, a bird that disappeared 3000 years ago, makes its appearance in Athens in the luxurious residence of a family on the verge of ruin for which the countdown has begun: the 38 crucial and saving hours that separate them from the marriage of their daughter with a rich heir. The boundaries between reason and madness will be tested and the situation will soon be out of control.
우리의 영원한 여름
18세의 삶과 사랑. 근심 걱정 없는 여름의 밤낮에 푹 빠져 지내다 느닷없이 가장 친한 친구를 잃고, 이 세상에 영원한 것은 없다는 것을 깨닫는다. 이제 다시 태어나기 위한 결단의 만남을 가질 시간이다.
버려진 창고에서 145BPM의 테크노 음악에 일제히 몸을 흔드는 사람들. 그중에는 젊은 성전환자 더스틴과 그의 친구들인 펠릭스와 라야, 쥐앙도 있다. 밤이 깊어감에 따라 집단 히스테리는 달콤한 애수로, 취기는 배려 부족으로 변한다.
All the Pretty Little Horses
It’s winter. Sami is interned in a psychiatric institution. On a visit day, his mother and sister tell him their horse died.
All the Pretty Little Horses
It’s winter. Sami is interned in a psychiatric institution. On a visit day, his mother and sister tell him their horse died.
After an earthquake in Naples bay, the body of a man is found. While Dino and his daughter, Victoria, travel to Italy for a DNA test, the past catches up with them.
The Blackbird Group
In the heart of a french village in 2020, five individuals united under the name ‘The Blackbird Group’, wander in silence in their house and prepare themselves for an extreme symbolic action.
우리 이후의 세상
라비디는 요즘 젊은이이다. 그는 작은 뒷거래와 아르바이트를 하고 룸메이트와 작은 집에 살면서 작가가 되기를 꿈꾼다. 어느 날 그는 엘리자를 만나고서 자신이 감당하지 못할 라이프 스타일에 대해 다시 생각하게 된다.
The Golden Age
Titou will soon be forty. He lives high up in a sheep shed in the Corbières mountains. With Soledad, who lives in a nearby caravan, they make their own wine, compose their music, live their love in step with the seasons – much as you might cultivate resistance.
At the Entrance of the Night
Two Senegalese men walk through a forest in Morocco at night. As they try to find a passageway to the north, they talk about a strange dream. Two officers from the Spanish Civil Guard patrol the Spanish coast in an SUV. The car's headlights probe the darkness in search of illegal immigrants. In Paris, a young woman performs a symbolic burial in a forest on the edge of the city.
Lady Dallas
Lucas lives in a farm in southwest France. For his 17th birthday, his uncle Nico offers him a special surprise : a trip to Lady Dallas.
제시카 포에버
제시카는 폭력적인 과거를 가졌으나 지금은 평화와 조화를 추구하는 길 잃은 소년들의 그룹을 이끌고 있다. 그녀는 이들에게 사랑과 이해를 가져다 주는 유일한 사람이다. 이들의 하나뿐인 소망은 평화롭게 그리고 영원히 같이 살 수 있는 세상을 창조하는 것이다.
Behind Our Eyes
Behind our eyes, is a look into three lonesome characters. There is Patrick, living outside, in the parks, the gardens, crossing the city, filling his eyes with sunlight so that once night falls he will have enough and just enough. There is Aliasare, wandering between his blue room and the outside world, spending his days painting and filling the gap that separates him from the others. And lastly, there is Hadrian, a young blind man running through a forest in search of a lost sensation.
Le Mans 1955
The 24 Hours of Le Mans, 1955. 300.000 spectators are watching from the sidelines. It is 6:00 PM when Pierre Levegh's car ploughs into the spectator stands, scattering the crowd with his car engine's hot debris.
The Way We Love
One summer afternoon, a little theater of desire and domination, tender and sometimes cruel, is established between the young waiters and clients in a Provence bar.
디빈: 여신들
빈민가에 살고 있는 두니아(울라야 아마라)의 꿈은 하루 빨리 이곳을 벗어나는 것. 하지만 매일 반복되는 현실에 두니아의 내일은 암울하기만 하다. 그러던 어느 날 레베카(지스카 칼반다)의 마약을 발견한 두니아는 그것을 빌미로 마이무나(데보라 루쿠무에나)와 함께 그들의 조직에 들어가게 된다. 목적은 오로지 돈을 벌어 지긋지긋한 빈민가를 탈출하려는 것. 그렇게 차근차근 돈을 모아가던 어느 날. 레베카는 두니아로 하여금, 상대 조직이 숨겨놓은 10만 유로를 훔쳐오라는 지시를 내린다. 그리고 자신의 미모를 바탕으로 상대방 조직의 보스에게 접촉하는 두니아는 자신의 원대로 이곳을 탈출 할 수 있을 것인가?
Burning Heart
In Burning Heart, adolescence, the passage to adulthood, is depicted as a loss of innocence following a conflict, ordinary as it might be.
Burning Heart
In Burning Heart, adolescence, the passage to adulthood, is depicted as a loss of innocence following a conflict, ordinary as it might be.
Burning Heart
In Burning Heart, adolescence, the passage to adulthood, is depicted as a loss of innocence following a conflict, ordinary as it might be.
Silence du léopard
The day after a party where Mario, in a trance, danced all night, Amine and Victor, his two lovers, find him dead in his bed. Lost with their friends in a house in the middle of nowhere, all mutations become possible. And then there's a leopard on the horizon.
Liberian Boy
Jules had been hard at work rehearsing the steps to "Billie Jean" for the end-of-the-year show. That same year, he jumped onstage in the middle of a post-rock concert, took off his shirt, leapt into the crowd. That’s when we started to film him. Then we offered to spend a day in a studio and film him dancing.
Little Man
David and Eliab, two apprentice jockeys, get to know each other through admiration, rivalry and jealousy.
As Long as Shotguns Remain
Two young men in a nearly abandoned suburban landscape deal with the suicide of one of their friends by shotgunning beers and joining a gang.
A propos de Lanzarote en général et de Michel Houellebecq en particulier