The story revolves around a hermit named Tokhang. People ridicule her because of her eerie look and scary demeanor. As a bearer of bad tidings, she manages to expose and criticize the foolishness and corruption of the people around her and the society in which they lived in.
A story about teacher who went to the mountain to teach (NPA).
Girl of Bernie
The story of two women, Glenda and Maita, both breadwinners and both work in a motel. One works as a receptionist for it, the other uses it for her profession.
A 2002 drama movie starring Halina Pereza and Allen Dizon.
Monay took care of her sisters in running a local bakery. Living with their disabled step-father, she has to be the sole provider for their family by all means...
A 1998 Filipino action film starring Rommel Padilla and Rita Magdalena.