1966년 8월 1일, 텍사스 오스틴에 위치한 텍사스 주립대학. 찰스 휘트먼은 엘리베이터를 타고 캠퍼스 내의 탑 꼭대기 층으로 올라가 총기난동을 부리며 96분 간의 인질극을 벌인다. 마침내 총성이 멈췄을 때 사망자는 16명, 부상자는 수십 명에 달했으며, 온 나라는 무슨 일이 일어났는지 이해하려고 애를 썼다. 이 영화는 당시의 증거 영상들과 로토스코프 애니메이션 기법을 조합하여 당시 사건의 증인, 알려지지 않았던 숨은 영웅들과 생존자들의 이야기를 역동적이면서도 결코 이전에 보여지지 않았던 방식으로 서술한다.
A documentary that looks at the anti-homosexuality law in Singapore, section 377A, which criminalizes male homosexuality with up to two years of a prison sentence. A British colonial law, it is based on the Victorian era Labouchere amendment, the same law which criminalized Oscar Wilde in England a century ago. This film looks at two constitutional challenges being taken by Tan Eng Hong and Gary Lim and Kenneth Chee between 2010 and 2014, one resulting from a conviction as the result of sex in a public toilet, the other brought by a couple who have been together 16 years.
A look at the numerous recent arrests of gay men in Northern Turkish occupied Cyprus, including even the former Finance Minister of the Republic of Cyprus, under a British colonial law dating from 1889. The film looks at the internationally unrecognized North of Cyprus, the last divided capital of Europe and also the last place in Europe to criminalize homosexuality. The film talks to lawyers involved in a case taken to the European Court of Human Rights, and the ultimate repeal of the law in January 2014.