Coach Amos Redd
It's Part V! Unstoppable killer Jakkariah "Jack" Harding is back in town after seven years as he stalks and kills at random before chancing upon a football watch party. The game is, of course, between longstanding rivals the Alabama-Mobile Seahawks and the Tennessee A&M Commonwealth. Chaos ensues, in increasingly ridiculous fashion, with inventive murders and multiple love triangles! Hearts are broken and appendages are torn.
Coach Amos Redd
A lost slasher film from the golden age of the slasher genre. October 1979, Ricky Dean Logan is a man on a mission. Years ago, he lost a child at the hands of a psychopathic killer named Jakkariah Harding. When Harding escapes Death Row, Ricky Dean throws himself into the line of fire to stop him from killing again as Harding preys upon a group of friends gathered to watch a college football game.
Hunting Souls is the story of an American couple who are dealing with the hardships of caring for their sick child. They discover that they are being hunted by a demon.
Grandpa Walton
The Walton family is excited to learn that John Sr. will be coming home for Christmas during the winter of 1933. However, when a storm threatens his arrival and he's nowhere to be found, John Boy embarks on a life-changing journey to find him.
탐험가들의 안내인 아리안(알리시아 산스)은 대런(아담 칸토)의 팀들과 함께 지도에서 사라진 마을 '슈쿰 힐즈'로 탐험을 떠난다. 중간에 도착한 마을, 이상하리만큼 적대감을 보이는 사람들은 아리안과 사람들로 하여금 왔던 되돌아가라는 경고를 한다. 그리고 잠시 후 자신을 좇아오는 한 대의 차량, 그것을 피해 어디론가 향하던 사람들은 어디엔가 도착하고 그곳이 자신들이 찾는 슈쿰 필즈임을 알게 된다. 곧바로 탐사에 나서는 사람들. 하지만 잠시 후 사람들은 자신들의 선택이 틀렸음을 깨닫게 된다. 하지만 일행 중 한명이 무언가에 끌려가게 되고, 아리안과 대런은 대원이 끌려간 동물로 탐험을 나선다. 그리고 발견한 무언가의 존재. 과연 이들의 존재는 무엇이며, 아리안과 대런을 막아서는 마을 사람들의 정체는 무엇일까?
악마의 공간이라 불리는 애팔래치아 광산. 메탄가스 유출로 늘 걱정과 공포에 시달리지만 광부들은 오늘도 기도와 함께 갱도로 들어간다. 본격적인 석탄 채굴과 함께 이상 징후가 발생하고 대피할 시간도 없이 폭발과 함께 무너져버린다. 게다가 침수까지 발생하고 산소는 단 1시간 밖에 없는데… 사상 최악의 광산 폭발 재난, 살아남기 위한 그들의 사투가 시작된다!
Judge Lawrence Moniz
Two suicidal teenagers, Conrad and Michelle, turn to each other for support, communicating via text messages. But when Conrad expresses his desire to end his life, instead of trying to stop him as she had previously, Michelle encourages Conrad to take his life, even providing him suggestions on how to do it.
Doctor Ames
It's Halloween at WKIZ when the malicious Mistress of Midnight arrives to host her annual horror movie marathon 'Dead by Midnight'. When the WKIZ staff begins disappearing only to turn up in the increasingly darker films, it's up to line producer Candice Spelling to stop the Mistress of Midnight before her final and most diabolical film goes to air.
Capt. Harris
Parody of "Saw" saga.
Judge Linkletter
뉴욕에서 워싱턴, 워싱턴에서 시카고로. 고객을 목적지까지 안전하게 모시는 것 외에 그 어떤 즐거움도 없던 민항기 1급 파일럿 ‘배리 씰’(톰 크루즈). 어느 날 배리를 찾아온 CIA 요원 ‘몬티 쉐퍼’(도널 글리슨)에 의해 그의 삶은 180도 뒤바뀌기 시작한다. CIA와 손을 잡고 무기 밀반출을 돕기 시작한 배리는 찰나의 불법 행위로 거액의 돈다발을 거머쥐게 된다. 점점 더 큰 범죄 세계에 발을 들이게 된 그는 결국 FBI, CIA, 백악관 그리고 세계 최대 마약 조직까지 손을 뻗치게 되는데…
Marcel Henbrix
The true story of the deadliest shootout for lawmen in US history as ten police officers and one civilian went to arrest two brothers for murder on January 2, 1932, just outside Springfield, Missouri.
First Administrator
아프리카계 미국인인 헨리에타 랙스의 세포들은 첫번째 불멸의 인간 세포계를 만드는 데 사용되었다. 그녀의 딸인 데보라 랙스(오프라 윈프리)의 시선을 통해서 결코 알지 못했던 어머니에 관한 사실들을 알게 되고 어떻게 1951년 랙스의 공인되지 않은 다량의 암세포들이 전례없는 의학적인 돌파구를 마련했고 의학의 모습과 무수히 많은 삶을 영원히 변화시켯는지 이야기한다.
Principal Decker
Bad Apple is the story of Quinn Robinson, a Pastor's daughter who learns a valuable life lesson while at Christian Summer Camp. Pastor Robinson and his family are just settling into their new house and new church home. Pastor Robinson is a stern man with a high school sports and military background. His wife Melinda grew up in hard times during her childhood, but as an adult wants to enjoy the finer things in life.
Judge Welch
Marci throws herself into preparing for Christmas and building her new event-planning business. But when the business gets off to a rocky start and members of her family face their own hardships, Marci steps up to help everyone have a good holiday.
Janitor Adams
A group of kids obsessed with playing video games mistakenly uncovers a plot by someone in their school to control the world.
Emily is a young woman fighting breast cancer, but it's the questionable friendship with wealthy businessman and fellow cancer patient, Charles, that proves to be her biggest battle.
The Patriot
Jake Harvard, 13 is not happy when he learns he has to spend the summer with his uncle Benny, a middle aged detective in suburban Washington DC. Jake meets a young girl named Kat Adams who has a passion for American history. After uncle Benny turns away a client named Lola Meanors who is looking for her missing husband, Jake and Kate start their own secret investigation.
Principle Dusk
Teenage superhuman Joseph Hawk embarks on an adventure to Intrepid Academy, making many friends and enemies while he competes in the world-famous "Crucible" tournament.
Samuel Allen's life collapses, but he wants to pursue his childhood goals and become a preacher. To do this, the rock n roll star has to fight against his past demons.