Ali Tabrizi

참여 작품

Director of Photography
A young couple who live in an old house, notice a car outside, that keeps parking in front of their property and suspiciously stares at it..
Reza is a divorced author who is trying to adopt to his new life after divorce while he finds a new romance.
After a long time, three sisters come back to their paternal house. They face a caretaker along with their mother struggling with Alzheimer's. But there is no trace of the father who has disappeared in an early morning. A dead body is found, but none of the sisters are going to identify the body due to the hatred rooted in their hearts. There is a dark secret in the family, but no one intends to talk about it.
몸을 죽이는 자본의 밥상
Assistant Editor
현대 식생활의 폐해나 건강문제를 의사를 비롯한 다양한 전문가들이 색다른 시각에서 조명한 다큐멘터리
Sweet Taste of Imagination
An imaginative dreamer university named Garoos professor falls in love with a student who resembles her teacher in this manner. Love story is endangered when a business competitor sets Garoos up for unethical behavior.
Sensitive Floor
After an unexpected incident happens for a middle-aged man's wife's corpse, he gets very depressed, anxious and violent.
Davandeye Zamin
The Earth Marathon
Kakol Zari