Script Supervisor
남아프리카공화국의 손더디치 광산의 대표를 맡고 있는 맨프레드는 현장 총감독으로 로드 슬레이터(로저 무어)를 스카우트한다. 우연히 맨프레드의 집에 방문한 로드는 그의 아내 테리와 눈이 맞고 두 사람은 불륜에 빠진다. 그러던 어느 날, 지하의 수맥이 터지는 바람에 광산에 대형사고가 터지고 로드는 인부들을 구하기 위해 위험을 무릅쓰고 지하로 내려가는데… (채널더무비)
Tom Kovack is a hard-nosed race car driver until a sudden supernatural vision causes a near-fatal crash while he's hurtling down the backstretch at 140 miles per hour. Michele Brent is the woman who convinces Kovack that his visions are significant. She leads him to the manor house that appeared in his vision, which in turn leads him into a world of revenge and murder from beyond the grave. Kovack must tap into his newfound power to conquer the evil forces at work.
1871년 일본 천왕은 미국 대통령에게 대단히 귀중한 무사도를 선사하기로 했다. 무사도는 일본 대사와 두 명의 사무라이의 엄중한 보호하에 워싱톤으로 가는 열차편으로 운송된다. 그러나 열차는 링크(Link: 찰스 브론슨 분)와 거취(Gotch: 알랑 드롱 분)가 이끄는 노상 강도들에게 습격을 받게 되는데…
A planet is discovered in the same orbit as Earth's but is located on the exact opposite side of the sun, making it not visible from Earth. The European Space Exploration Council decide to send American astronaut Glenn Ross and British scientist John Kane via spaceship to explore the other planet.
Half-brothers Stefane and Antony despise their biological father, callous millionaire Charles Calvert. Because Charles refuses to share his wealth with his sons, Stefane and Antony ask hip American thrill-seeker Duffy to help steal the money they believe is their birthright. When Charles decides to move a large portion of his savings from Morocco to France, Duffy has an opportunity to stage a daring burglary attempt at sea.
스펙터 일당은 지부장 라르고의 지휘로 NATO의 공군 조종사인 더발 소령의 여비서 피오나를 매수, 그를 죽이고 그와 똑같이 성형수술을 시킨 하수인을 MOS 핵폭탄 2개가 실린 NATO 연습기에 더빌 소령으로 위장시켜 태운 뒤, 다른 조종사들을 처치하고 핵폭탄을 탈취한다. 탈취에 성공한 스펙터는 7일 이내에 1억 파운드를 내놓으라는 메시지를 보내고, 영국 정보부에서는 핵폭탄을 찾기 위한 썬더볼 작전의 임무를 007에게 명령한다. 더발 소령의 여동생인 도미노에게 접근하는 007. 그는 도미노에게 모든 사실을 알려고, 라르고가 핵폭탄의 탈취 주범임을 확신하게 된다.
A bawdy story of how a poor damsel surrenders her virtue again and again to get to the top of society.
Script Supervisor
Political and personal intrigues surround a group of characters in Malaya, after the close of the Second World War.
A prominent London psychologist seems to have taken his own life, causing stunned disbelief amongst his colleagues and patients. His teenage daughter refuses to believe it was suicide as this would go against all of the principles her father stood for, therefore she is convinced it was murder. She enlists the help of a former patient to try to get to the truth. However, the truth turns out to be both surprising and disturbing.
Script Supervisor
Intercutting dramatic vignettes with newsreel footage, the story follows the characters from an infantry squad as they make their way from Sicily to Germany during the end of World War II.
When Francis and Douglas Oberon learn that their late grandmother has bequeathed the family fortune to distant cousin Toni, they immediately start plotting to get their hands on the money. They dream up a plot whereby they cannot fail to acquire a comfortable future; the lovely Toni must either be murdered, or married...
결혼한 변호사 멜빌 파(더크 보가드 분)가 과거 동성애 장면을 찍은 사진으로 자신을 협박하는 협박범과 한판 대결을 벌인다. 파는 그때 당시 동성애 상대 중의 하나가 동일한 협박범으로부터 협박을 받고 자살했다는 사실을 알게 되고, 명망 있는 변호사로서 자신의 명예는 물론 가정까지 파괴될 운명에 처하면서도 비열한 공갈범과 맞서기로 한다. 형사인 해리스(존 배리 분)은 동성애 금지법이 협박범에게만 이득이 된다는 것을 깨닫고 고통에 시달리는 파를 돕기로 하는데... 인종차별문제를 주제로 한 에 이어 동성애라는 사회적 이슈를 다룬 영화로 개봉당시 매우 논란이 되었다. 미국에서는 한 때 상영금지가 되었고, 여러 장면들이 삭제가 된 후에도 영국 등급위원회에서 X 등급을 받은 (그러나 80년대 후반에 PG-12으로 재등급 분류된) 이 영화는 동성애에 대한 억압된 사회적 틀을 자유롭게 해주는 데 큰 역할을 하기도 했다. (한국영상자료원)
A German scholar has girl troubles while studying at Cambridge.
British diplomat Harrington Brande takes up his new lowly post in Spain accompanied by his son Nicholas. That his wife had left him seems to have affected his career. Nicholas sees it all as something of an adventure and soon becomes friends with the new gardener, Jose. As Nicholas begins to spend more time with Jose, his father takes offense and is concerned at the boy's loss of affection for him. It leads him to bar Nicholas from even speaking to the gardener. And soon tensions mount.
Captain Vinka Kovalenko defects from Russia, but not for political reasons. She defects because she feels discriminated against as a woman. Captain Chuck Lockwood gets the order to show her the bright side of capitalism, while she tries to convince him of the superiority of communism. Naturally, they fall in love, but there's still the KGB, which doesn't like the idea of having a defected Russian officer running around in London.
고향인 시골 마을에 살고 있는 잭 워딩은 있지도 않은 동생 어니스트를 돌본다는 구실을 대고 정기적으로 런던을 방문한다. 잭에게는 시골에 감춰두고 몰래 돌보는 젊고 아름다운 여인 세실리가 있는데, 잭은 어니스트로 행세하며 그녀를 만난다. 그런데 잭의 가장 친한 친구인 앨저넌이 그의 이런 속임수를 알게 된다
Script Supervisor
The body of a young actress is brought to her home town by the man who loved her. He knows that she wanted all the church bells to ring for three days after she was buried, but is told that this will cost a lot of money. The checks that he writes to the various churches all bounce, but it is the weekend and, in desperation, he prays that a miracle will happen before the banks reopen. It does, but not in the way he hoped.
A patriotic, cinematic salvo, this wartime production tells the story of the owner of a shipbuilding company doing his best to contribute to the British fleet. War is good for business, but what will happen once the war is won? It was based on a novel by George Blake.
Rodney Playfair is persuaded, by a promise to meet his gambling debts, to impersonate a manservant named Chapman at his fiancée's house...
A ventriloquist is murdered during a theatre variety performance. A dwarf goes undercover as the dummy...
The Theatre Royal is a struggling London venue battling to keep its doors open. When the bank threatens to close it, the workers fear that they will soon be forced out of their jobs. The Royal's property master, Bob Parker (Bud Flanagan), recruits the rest of the staff to stage a benefit gala. They hope their show, featuring songs and dances, can raise enough cash to stave off the end. Meanwhile, they seek investors who can keep the Theatre Royal and its staff in business permanently.
Nazi spies infiltrate a British film studio with the intention of sending coded messages in the films they produce.