Helena Maura

참여 작품

Two friends go their separate ways at age 17, affected by the troubling teenage conflicts in the small and conservative city of Coti das Fuças, in the countryside of Brazil. Levi, a poet, tired of being mistreated, sticks to the friends’ plan of moving to a big city. Elias, opressed by a violent father, gives up on the idea of leaving. At age 50, Levi comes back to reunite with his friend during a funeral, when their memories are relived before the last goodbye. Inspired by the theater play Aldeotas, by Gero Camilo.
Todo Clichê do Amor
A man who lost his taste and his blind wife; an almost deaf girl and her consumerist stepmother; an adult movie actor in love and his completely passionate woman; a sign language teacher and his dilemmas with dumb students. Characters full of love and full of inabilities to cope with their emotional side.
A melancholic, aspiring writer and bookseller is shaken by the appearances and disappearances of his newfound muse who steals books from his bookstore. When he discovers that she also steals from other bookstores, he is consumed with jealousy and starts living in a kind of love delirium, on the border between fiction and reality. The closer he gets to her, the more indescribable she becomes and he begins to wonder why she steals, what are her values and who is the older man she lives with. In the end, what is real and what isn’t? And will he find a place in her life as he moves away from his own?
Way of Giants
In a forest of giant trees, six-year-old Oquirá embarks on a quest to understand life.
리우 2096
1566년, 인디언 투피남바족이 사는 섬, 신에게서 특별한 능력을 부여받은 전사 아베구아는 주술사로부터 부족을 구할 운명이라는 예언을 듣는다. 그러나, 포르투갈인들과 프랑스인들의 식민지 세력 다툼 사이에서 투피남바족은 몰살당하고 사랑하는 연인 자나이나를 잃은 아베구아는 슬픔에 빠져 벼랑 아래로 몸을 던진다. 떨어지는 순간 새로 변해버린 전사는 자나이나를 찾아 하염없이 날아다닌다. 노예제 폐지 투쟁이 일어났던 1825년과 군부독재를 겪은 1960년대, 폭력의 역사 속에서 환생한 자나이나를 찾아낸 전사는 그녀와 사랑에 빠지고, 절망적인 현실에 저항하려 하지만 실패하고 만다. 2096년, 물부족 사태로 인해 계급 갈등이 첨예해진 리우데자네이루, 전사는 또 다시 자나이나와 재회하고 이들의 운명은 마치 정해진 듯 벼랑 끝으로 질주하는데… 과연 그는 반복되는 운명의 굴레를 벗어 던지고 자나이나와의 영원한 사랑을 이룰 수 있을까?
O Bolo de Morango
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