Soontorn Meesri

참여 작품

Pee Nak 3
Old Man
Peace Aod, a young gravedigger at Thamma Nakanimitr Temple, unearths an ancient gold anklet from a grave from the World War II period. He decides to pocket the anklet and falls prey to a curse that turns his skin into snake scales.
1997년 방콕, 15살 절친 ‘보움’과 ‘이브’는 IMF로 건설이 중단된 부모님의 사톤 타워에서 함께 극단적인 선택을 약속하지만 두려움에 사로잡힌 ‘보움’은 홀로 살아남아 도망친다. 20년 후, 건물 완공을 위해 사톤 타워에 방문한 ‘보움’과 딸 ‘벨’. 그곳에서 주인을 알 수 없는 낡은 삐삐를 발견한 ‘벨’은 이후 무언가에 홀린 듯 기이한 행동을 보이고, ‘보움’은 딸에게서 죽은 ‘이브’의 흔적을 느끼며 점점 공포에 휩싸이는데…
The Ugly Ghost
Uncle Choom
After the gang of four girls students in front of the ugly Miki, Ploy, Kaew and Khao millet come to train at a wooden furniture factory with Tui Tui, a young factory manager to take care of and take the role of the leader of the ugly gang.
Suddenly It's Magic
The story depicts two star-crossed lovers: Marcus Hanson, a Thai superstar, and Joey Hermosa, a Filipina baker. When Marcus decides to fly to Philippines to escape from his career, he meets Joey. Even though their worlds collide, the two later fall in love. But their relationship is tested by conflicts from their worlds.
랑카수카의 여왕
Minister 3 Tuk Rahman
As sea pirates threaten to invade their kingdoms, three queens of Langkasuka must band together to defend their lands and peoples.