Mauricio Alemañy

Mauricio Alemañy


Mauricio Alemany is a Puerto Rican film and television child actor.

프로필 사진

Mauricio Alemañy
Mauricio Alemañy

참여 작품

This is Your Cuba
In the wake of Fidel Castro's rise to power, over 14,000 unaccompanied children fled to the United States in hopes of a better life. Inspired by their stories, Esta Es Tu Cuba follows Anton, a young boy who is thrust into adulthood as revolution tears his family apart.
Andy Riley
오랜만의 가족여행을 떠난 케빈. 하지만 불의의 사고로 보트가 어딘지 알 수 없는 무인도에 멈춰 버리고 물도 식량도 없는 그 곳에서 지나가는 배를 찾으며 갈증과 배고픔과의 싸움을 시작한다. 우연히 케빈 가족이 표류한 무인도를 지나던 어선이 케빈을 발견하고 도움의 손길을 내밀지만 고마움도 잠시... 어부는 아들과 아내는 버려둔 채 케빈만을 구한다. 그리고 말한다. “네 가족들이 표류하고 있는 섬의 위치는 나 밖에 몰라. 그러니 가족들을 살리고 싶으면 현금 백만 달러를 가져와” 이제, 일촉즉발의 상황에서 가족들을 살리기 위한 아버지의 피끓는 사투가 시작된다!
Extra Terrestres
The Díaz are an influential family who control much of the poultry industry in the island. Arcadio is the family patriarch, an authoritative and conservative man who rules over his family's destiny as he does over the chickens on his farm. Teresa, his eldest, left home during her college years to become an astrophysicist against her father's wishes. Now, after a 7-year absence, she returns home for a few weeks in order to reveal a secret long kept from her family and to invite them to her wedding with Daniela. But, once back, her intentions turn to dust when she finds herself trapped in the family's old habit of lying. No one in the family is as they seem, nor are they willing to unveil their true selves. Within this world of half-truths, Teresa encounters Andrés, her nephew, a boy with Asperger's Syndrome who shares her passion for the stars.