오늘날 우리에게 없어서는 안 되는 7인의 영화감독이 미국, 이란, 칠레, 중국, 태국에서 촬영한 영화계를 향한 러브레터다. 오랜 집에서의 새로운 삶. 분리와 재회. 감시와 화해. 끝없는 폭풍의 해를 지나며 알아볼 수 없이 변해버린 세상을 보여준다. (제23회 전주국제영화제)
In the middle of preparing his apartment to have Mira live with him, Luc escapes to Svalbard. Stumbling drunk out of an Artic “Oktoberfest”, Luc meets Mike, a stranger who lives in an isolated cabin in the Arctic desert. Mike mysteriously abandons Luc in mid conversation. Intrigued, Luc decides to find Mike. Along the way, he meets Ingrid, a Norwegian teacher. Luc rushes into the footsteps of Mike who remains elusive and volatile, Luc hunts a shadow, his own possibly.
Within the top secret Institute of Physics Problems, the scientist Nikita Nekrasov is visited by his wife and small children. While away from his family the physicist has managed to fall in love with other women. In open conversations with his spouse – in the bedroom, the dining room, and while out walking – he attempts to convince her of the legitimacy of polygamous relationships, and to test the limits of her unconditional love.
It is 1956. Dau is a distinguished Soviet scientist who meets up with the love of his youth – Maria, a Greek actress – during her three day visit to Moscow. They haven't seen each other for 25 years. Dau is a successful and prosperous scientist, but feels excruciatingly dissatisfied with his family life. Through Maria he hopes to regain lost harmony and beauty, but reality intrudes when Nora, Dau's wife, returns home.
Once just a girl from the provinces, Nora is now married to a successful scientist and lives together with her family within the confines of a secret and privileged Moscow institute. Nora is visited by her mother for the first time since her wedding. Her mother closely observes the atmosphere within the couple's home, trying to work out whether her daughter is happy. During the course of their intimate conversations the complexity of their contradictory relationship is revealed.
싱가포르에 우기가 시작된다. 고등학교 교사인 링은 아이를 갖기를 갈망하지만 임신은 이뤄지지 않는다. 남편은 부쩍 바깥일이 많아졌으며, 시아버지 수발은 점점 힘겨워지고, 학교에서 가르치는 중국어 과목은 학생과 교사 모두에게 무시당한다. 그러던 중 자신처럼 외로움을 가진 학생 웨이룬을 알게 되고 둘 사이에는 교사와 학생 이상의 유대가 만들어진다.
Assistant Editor
십대 소녀 록스는 어린 남동생과 단 둘이 살고 있지만, 보호자 없이 둘만 생활한다는 사실이 발각돼 동생과 헤어질까봐 늘 불안에 떤다. 친구들의 도움으로 아동 보호 당국의 눈을 피해 다니는 록스, 그녀 인생에서 가장 결정적인 날들을 헤쳐나가야 하는데….
Far from home, 17-year-old Ying Ling practices for her examination to become a mortician at one of China's largest funeral homes. The everyday routine of this unusual occupation also serves up both humorous and life affirming moments.
Three stories which each focus on one of three types of relationships: family, friendship, and love. The first story is about conflicted manager on a business trip who is intrigued by an elderly worker and investigates his life. The second story is about a young father who receives a letter that brings him to a foreign land, where old emotions come unburied. The last story is about a visiting professor from overseas who sets a student's heart fluttering, while having to deal with his own.
맞벌이 가정의 12살 소년 자러는 바쁜 부모의 무관심 속에 학교에서는 항상 말썽을 부리기 일쑤다. 엄마의 임신으로 가사일을 돌볼 필리핀 출신 가정부 테레사가 자러의 집에 오게 되고 자러는 어쩔 수 없이 테레사와 한 방을 쓰게 된다. 테레사의 모든 것이 못마땅한 자러. 그런 자러에게 테레사는 진심으로 대하고 어느새 두 사람은 부모보다 더욱 친근한 관계가 형성된다. 하지만 아빠의 실직에 엄마까지 직장을 잃게 되자 자러와 테레사는 헤어질 수 밖에 없는 위기에 처하는데...