Production Design
The Vidal family is spending a summer on Catalonia’s gorgeous Costa Brava with their Alzheimer-affected grandmother Ángela. Overprotected and shy, 14 year-old Nora goes through a difficult time after her parents’ separation, but what looked like another tedious, sad summer for Nora, turns into a dangerous coming of age experience with the arrival of Libertad, the wild 15-year daughter of Ángela’s Colombian caretaker.
Production Design
Sara has been alone all her life. She’s 22, has a baby, and wants to form a normal family with her young brother and the father of her child. Her own father, Manuel, decides to come back into their lives after years of absence and his release from prison. Sara knows he’s the main obstacle to her plans and she makes a difficult decision: to distance him from herself and her brother.
Art Direction
폭풍우가 치던 밤, 25년 전의 과거와 연결된 베라. 그녀는 죽을 운명이던 소년을 살리지만 그 대가로 딸을 잃고 만다. 주어진 시간은 하루. 모든 것을 되돌릴 수 있을까...
Set Decoration
1993년 여름, 어른들이 쉬쉬하며 알려주지 않았지만 프리다는 알고 있었다. 아픈 엄마는 세상을 떠났고, 남겨진 자신은 시골 외삼촌 집으로 가야 한다는 것을. 외삼촌부부와 사촌동생 ‘아나’는 프리다를 따듯하게 맞아주었고, 새 가족과 잘 지내고 싶은데 어쩐지 점점 미움만 사는 것 같다. 볼 수 없는 엄마를 향한 그리움을 어떻게 달래야 할지, 아나를 더 예뻐하는 것 같아 속상한 마음을 어떻게 표현해야 할지, 내가 말썽을 피워 화가 난 외숙모에겐 뭐라 말해야 할지, 몰랐을 뿐인데… 결국 앞이 보이지 않는 깜깜한 밤, 프리다는 자신을 사랑해줄 가족을 찾아 떠난다.
Set Decoration
의문의 습격으로 살해 당한 ‘로라’ ‘아드리안’은 연인의 죽음에 절망하고, 범인은 흔적도 없이 사라졌다. 유력한 용의자로 누명을 쓴 ‘아드리안’은 승률 100%의 변호사 ‘버지니아’를 선임한다. 그리고 자신의 무죄를 입증하기 위해 고군분투하던 중 과거 그와 ‘로라’가 은폐한 교통사고와 숨겨진 연관성을 찾게 되는데… 남은 시간은 단 3시간, 사건을 재구성해 무죄를 입증해야 한다!
Set Decoration
Alma’s family has been producing quality olive oil in the Baix Maestrat area of Spain’s Castellón for generations. Yet changing pressures in the industry have made their traditional practices economically untenable, and the family is now in the mass-production poultry business. Alma’s grandfather has not spoken in years. Sadness envelopes him, and he no longer wants to eat. His sons—Alma’s father and uncle—are impatient with him, but Alma understands her grandfather. She realizes he has been grieving for a thousand-year-old olive tree that the family has uprooted and sold to pay some debts. (A sadly common reality in Castellón at present.) Unable to bear the idea that her grandfather could die without seeing this terrible wrong corrected, Alma undertakes a quixotic mission to locate the tree and return it to the family orchard, so that her grandfather may have peace in his final days.
Assistant Art Director
A dark story about obsession, cats, and birthday presents.