Police Officer
"Junction Murders" Is the story of Sal Bernando and his partner Raymond Blake, who are haunted by a series of murders that they were unable to solve during their long enforcement careers. Now 15 years after the last killing, Ray and Sal long since retired, the murders begin again with a slight change in the killers methods - but obviously the same person? Sal and Ray begin their own investigation again much to the behest of LT. Cooper and the police force they once were a part of. As they begin to hone in on the monster that has eluded them for the past 15 years, they are forced to confront their own demons and the realization that the killer was far closer than ever Imagined.
Nurse Jake Bisst
Long ago, a room in a small-town inn was the site of a gruesome double murder. Decades later, with the town terrorized once again by bloody ritual killings, a mysterious woman suffers bizarre flashbacks related to the slayings.
Director of Photography
Long ago, a room in a small-town inn was the site of a gruesome double murder. Decades later, with the town terrorized once again by bloody ritual killings, a mysterious woman suffers bizarre flashbacks related to the slayings.
Homeland Security
23개의 인격을 가진 남자 케빈(제임스 맥어보이). 어릴 때 엄마에게 학대를 당한 그는 자신을 보호하기 위해 인격들의 리더인 배리, 미성숙한 9살 소년 헤드윅, 여성 패트리샤, 강박증이 있는 데니스 등 23개의 인격을 만들어냈다. 유일하게 자신을 이해하는 플레처 박사(베티 버클리)와 상담을 나누며 인격들을 컨트롤하던 그에게 어느 날 비스트라는 24번째 인격에 대한 믿음이 생겨난다. 비스트를 불러내고자 하는 인격들은 세명의 10대 소녀 케이시, 클레어, 마샤를 납치해 감금한다. 케이시는 과거 아버지와 사냥했던 경험과 삼촌에게 학대당했던 기억을 상기하며 탈출 방법을 찾아나간다.