Senators Wife
A Wiki-Leaks release illuminates the collusion amongst politicians and the medical industry that drives the cost of medical care to an unattainable price for the middle class. With the guilty parties' names and addresses being released, a vigilante movement springs up around the Untied States. After his father loses the battle with cancer, Mason, along with Thompson and Bobbi, seek violent justice and hope for riches along the way. A shotgun blast sparks a string of unintended consequences that leads the group down a dark road.
Salsa Dancer (uncredited)
끼 넘치는 경관 트레이는 다혈질 형사 미치가 마약범을 잡기 위해 위장 침투한 코카인 거래현장을 실수로 실수로 덮쳐 일을 엉망으로 만든다. 몇 달간의 노력이 수포로 돌아간데 화가 난 미치는 방송국 카메라를 총으로 쏴버리고 이 장면을 프로듀서 체이스가 보게된다. 경찰 24시 프로그램을 만들던 체이스는 미치를 주인공을 한 신설 프로그램을 제작하기로 한다. 프로그램의 제목은 '쇼타임'. 사사건건 충돌하는 미치와 트레이의 24시간을 담은 이 프로그램은 트레이의 쇼맨십으로 인기를 얻게 된다.
The Virgin Mary
Christianity began with a miracle – the virgin birth of the Son of God – and the earliest days of Christ’s existence were suffused with a power that reaches across millennia to touch us today. Hosted by Roger Moore. In the Footsteps of the Holy Family traces the journey of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph after Christ’s birth, visiting the sites made sacred by their presence. A compelling blend of history, science and faith, it examines everything from the fate of the three Magi to a spectacular vision of the Virgin Mary at Zeitoun, Egypt, in 1968, offering a fresh look at one of the most important chapters in human history.