The film depicts the life of a truck driver Sucha Singh and his wife Balo. Balo has to get Sucha Singh's food ready every day, walk a long distance through the fields and wait for him on the highway as he drives past the village. He leads an independent life, playing cards with his friends and spending time with his mistress, and comes home only once a week. However, he expects his wife to play the traditional role of a devoted wife. One day Balo gets late, trying to save her sister from the advances of a lecherous villager. Sucha Singh is angry, and drives away without his food. She decides to wait for him until nightfall.
The film depicts the life of a truck driver Sucha Singh and his wife Balo. Balo has to get Sucha Singh's food ready every day, walk a long distance through the fields and wait for him on the highway as he drives past the village. He leads an independent life, playing cards with his friends and spending time with his mistress, and comes home only once a week. However, he expects his wife to play the traditional role of a devoted wife. One day Balo gets late, trying to save her sister from the advances of a lecherous villager. Sucha Singh is angry, and drives away without his food. She decides to wait for him until nightfall.
인도가 영국으로부터 갓 독립한 1940년대 말. 철도 고위 공무원인 부밴 숌은 식민 시대에 영국풍 교육을 받고 자란 전형적인 엘리트다. 고집불통에 근엄하고 거만한 성격으로 인해 가족도 모두 떠나고 그는 외로운 말년을 보내고 있다. 숌은 휴가를 위해 찾은 한 시골 마을에서 우연히 가우리란 여자를 만난다. 그런데 알고 보니 가우리는 뇌물을 받은 혐의로 해고하려 했던 부하 직원의 아내였다. 그녀와 오리 사냥을 함께 다니며 시골 마을에 점차 동화되고 가우리에게도 마음을 열게 되는 숌. 그러나 휴가를 마치고 직장으로 돌아와 그가 내린 결정은 의외의 결과를 낳고 만다.