제2차 세계대전이 끝나갈 무렵, 오합지졸 저항군 한 무리가 불가능에 도전한다. 바로, 밀라노의 파시스트 기지에 침입해 무솔리니의 보물을 훔치는 것!
Matteo has decided not to go to school anymore and stay at home instead.
A son loves his mother, because her hands were the first to welcome him. At her funeral, he steals the hearse and drives away. During the journey, the boy reminds the last weekend they spent together. Agnese takes care but doesn’t love, she’s lost in her thoughts and doesn’t let anyone get closer, not even Giulio. Two days to understand each other, two days to love each other, and to leave in the end.
아르투로는 뛰어난 요리 실력을 가진 유명 셰프지만 욱하는 성질로 인해 몇 차례 싸움을 하고 형을 받았다. 싸움으로 인해 사회봉사로 아르투로는 아스퍼거 증후군을 가진 아이들이 있는 기관에서 요리 수업을 하게 된다. 그곳에서 아르투로는 요리에 대한 재능과 절대 미각, 그리고 열정까지 갖춘 20살 청년 귀도를 만난다. 한편, 싸움 이후 직장을 잃었던 아르투로는 일할 곳을 찾던 중 북쪽 지역에 있는 레스토랑 운영을 제안 받게 된다. 새로운 일자리를 결정지을 중요한 일정을 앞둔 채 아르투로는 토스카나에서 열릴 요리경연대회에 귀도의 멘토로 동행해줄 것을 부탁 받게 된다. 며칠 동안 함께하게 된 아르투로와 귀도, 과연 둘은 원하는 것을 이루고 친구가 될 수 있을까? 진지한 청년 귀도와 분노를 조절하지 못하는 아르투로, 생각도 성격도 다르지만 음식에 대한 마음만큼은 통하는 둘의 좌충우돌 이야기에 미소 짓게 되는 코미디영화다.
Ferro and Cate, two kids trying to get to grips with an unplanned pregnancy, their families (rebellious Ferro’s hospitable, ‘normal’ family, and level-headed Cate’s unhinged, atypical one), exams at school, friends and a general lack of jobs.
A man reads a comic book that includes four stories of extreme violence and erotica.
Nicola is a man who has spent much of his life in a mental institution, though not always as a patient. Nicola's mother suffered from mental illness, and when young Nicola grew old enough to understand some of her stranger behavior as well as the family's other dark secrets, a few of the adults around him preferred to suggest he was disturbed like his mother, and he was encouraged to visit an asylum not far from his home. As an adult, Nicola has spent enough time around people who have a tenuous connection with reality that he has a superficial resemblance to them, and has developed a strange set of imaginary friends to go along with his eccentric real-life companions and the woman he loves from afar, Marinella.