Silvia Costa

참여 작품

Like flesh - ELDAR
Trapped in an unhappy marriage, a woman mourns the devastation of the forest around her. An unexpected affair instigates an explosive metamorphosis, and she finds perfect release as a tree. But the world is a dangerous place for trees, and deep in the forest a forester and a student lay claim to a body of wood and leaf - one for money and one for love. A subversion of Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Like flesh is the fruit of a collaboration between a group of committed young artists. The Israeli composer Sivan Eldar creates an intriguing sound world by combining orchestral and electro-acoustic music. The British playwright Cordelia Lynn is already well known in English theatre circles for, among other things, her collaboration with Katie Mitchell to re-stage The Tempest.
황혼기로의 여행
한 가족의 풍경을 들여다보는 일은 동시에 그 사회와 시대를 살펴보는 작업이기도 하다. 은 마르코 벨로키오가 연출했던 작품과 그의 생각을 통해 60~70년대 이탈리아 사회의 풍경을 기억한다. 혁명, 공산주의, 산업화, 카톨릭, 무신론이 혼란스럽게 섞인 풍경 속에서 감독과 출연자들은 복잡한 기분에 사로잡힌다. 2021년 베니스영화제 비경쟁부문 상영.
Theatron. Romeo Castellucci
Theatron, the film by the multi-award-winning film-maker Giulio Boato, is an unprecedented portrait of Romeo Castellucci. Castellucci and his theatre company, the Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio, are key protagonists of avantgarde theatre. To a Vivaldi soundtrack, Theatron layers Romeo and Claudia Castellucci’s comments with the testimonies of dramaturgs, composers, choreographers, critics and actors (including Willem Dafoe) who have collaborated with the director. Between rehearsals and international tours, the film is a deep reflection not just on the performances, but also on the connection between the author and the representation of human nature.
Milano 2, a residential neighbourhood on the outskirts of Milan. Built between 1970 and 1979 as a utopic city, it was Silvio Berlusconi’s first ambitious urban project. An area that today, at first glance could look like an anonymous suburb was once the laboratory for the imposition of a new lifestyle, which in the decades of “Berlusconism” spread at a national level and radically transformed the Italian culture.
Moses und Aron
Art Direction
Moses und Aron is a three-act opera by Arnold Schoenberg with the third act unfinished. The 2015 Production was led by Romeo Castellucci in Paris. Moses und Aron was filmed for television by film director François-René Martin, in coproduction with the Paris Opera, Bel air Media and Arte, with support from the CNC. Moses und Aron was broadcast live on Arte concert and on the Paris Opera website on October 20th 2015, and subsequently broadcast on Arte on Ocotber 23rd 2015.
Pour se frayer un chemin dans la jungle, il est bon de frapper avec un bâton pour écarter les dangers invisibles
This short film is part of the clandestine dialogues of the Nicolas Klotz and Élisabeth Perceval’s 2015 feature, “Ceremony”.