Mário Santos

참여 작품

움직이는 삶
Old Man
포르투갈 식민지 전쟁에 참전했던 한 군인이 자신의 고향인 작은 어촌 마을로 돌아온다. 그러나 그가 떠나 있던 동안 마을의 많은 것이 변했고, 군인은 그런 환경에 쉽게 적응하지 못한다. 올리베이라의 에 조감독으로 참여했던 파울로 로샤 감독이 다큐멘터리적 방법론을 사용해 만든 독특한 극 영화.
O Primo Basílio
Dr. Caminha
Jorge, a successful engineer and employee of a ministry and Luísa, a romantic and dreamy girl, star as the typical bourgeois couple of the Lisbon society of the 19th century.
A Garça e a Serpente
Salvador Treves
Melancholic and atheist bank clerk Manuel is stuck in a love triangle with two women, the fiery art model Albertina and the quiet and religious Ana Maria. After spending several years working in Africa, Manuel returns to Portugal only to find both women already married, and his life marred by problems.
Natércia's Father
16세기에 활동한 포르투갈의 대표적 작가인 루이스 드 카몽이스의 삶을 그린 영화. 그는 전쟁에서 한 쪽 눈을 잃고, 억울하게 감옥에 갇히고, 거친 항해 도중 사고로 사랑하는 사람을 잃기도 하지만 지치지 않는 열정으로 아름다운 시를 써낸다.
Aldeia da Roupa Branca
Gracinda, a young laundry washer, lives with her godfather, "Uncle" Jacinto, and together they run a family business, doing the laundry for residents of Lisbon in their small village in the outskirts of that city (Canecas). Unfortunately, the business is not going very well, but that changes when Gracinda decides to go to the city to try to convince Chico, "Uncle" Jacinto's son, with whom she is in love, to return to the village and give new life to the business. The village is preparing for the annual festivities and a dispute erupts between "Uncle" Jacinto and his business rival , the widow Quiteria, when each of them invites different bands to play at the same time during the party and dances
Tropic Holiday
Ensenada Singer (uncredited)
A screenwriter falls in love with a Mexican woman while searching for a story line south of the border.
Os Fidalgos da Casa Mourisca
Jorge de Negrão
The amorous sacrifices of the daughter of Tomé da Póvoa, Berta, with the gentleman Jorge and, in parallel, the warm connection of the other son of Dom Luis, Maurício, with dedicated cousin Gabriela.