Franklin Cover

Franklin Cover

출생 : 1928-11-20, Cleveland, Ohio, USA

사망 : 2006-02-05


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Franklin Edward Cover (November 20, 1928 – February 5, 2006) was an American actor best known for starring in the sitcom The Jeffersons. His character, Tom Willis, was half of one of the first interracial marriages to be seen on prime-time television. Cover was born on November 20, 1928 in Cleveland, Ohio, to Britta (Schreck) and Franklin Held Cover. He graduated from John Marshall High School in 1947. Cover graduated from Denison University in 1951, and he received his MA in Theater in 1954 and MFA in Theater in 1955 both from Case Western Reserve University. His career started on the stage acting in Henry IV, Part 1 and Hamlet. He also appeared in Forty Carats with Julie Harris. He made his television debut on Naked City and later appeared on The Jackie Gleason Show. In 1965, he married Mary Bradford Stone. His first starring role was on The Jeffersons as Tom Willis who was married to a black woman, Helen, played by Roxie Roker. The couple lived in the same high-rise apartment building as the sitcom's title characters. Cover would often be the foil to Sherman Hemsley's black businessman, George Jefferson. The sitcom ran from 1975 to 1985. He also appeared in The Stepford Wives in 1975, and played Hubert Humphrey in the 1982 TV movie A Woman Called Golda. Following the end of The Jeffersons, Cover continued to make guest appearances on television shows as well as appearing in a supporting role in Wall Street (1987). In 1994, he appeared in the second episode of ER. His final television appearance was in an episode of Will & Grace (entitled "Object Of My Rejection") that aired on May 13, 1999. Cover died at the Lillian Booth Actors Home in Englewood, New Jersey, on February 5, 2006. He had been living at the home since December 2005 while recovering from a heart condition, and died of pneumonia. He was survived by his wife; the former Mary Bradford Stone, two adult children; Susan and Bradford, and a grandson, Maxwell. His son, Bradford Cover, an actor who lives in New York City, has appeared on Law and Order, Broadway, and Off Broadway, and is a company member at The Pearl Theatre Company. His daughter Susan is the founder of Susie's Supper Club (now closed), a home delivery food service that catered to parents and children in New York. CLR

프로필 사진

Franklin Cover

참여 작품

덤 앤 더머 서부시대로 가다
Nicholas Burr
태평양을 횡단하는 최초의 미국인이 되고 싶은 에드워즈는 항해사 헌트를 고용하여 머나먼 항해를 시작한다. 이들 보다 2주 앞서 먼저 항해를 시작한 또 다른 팀을 앞지르기 위해 에드워즈가 이끄는 원정단은 위험을 무릅쓰고 강을 역류하여 쉬지 않고 경쟁 팀을 추격한다. 어딘지 모르게 조금씩 모자라는 원정단원들은 항해 내내 좌충우돌 크고 작은 사고를 만들고 대장 에드워즈와 항해사 헌트는 위트와 용기를 발휘하여 이를 지혜롭게 헤쳐 나가는데…
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월 스트리트
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Ed Wimpiris
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위대한 개츠비
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Group Leader
어느 날 뉴욕의 한 건물에서 갑작스런 정전이 일어난다. 회계원인 데이빗는 전등을 들고 건물을 빠져 나오던 중 도움을 요청하는 여성을 만나 입구까지 바래다 주지만 그 여성은 데이빗의 얼굴을 보자마자 반색을 하며 달아나버린다. 의아한 마음으로 건물을 빠져 나온 데이빗은 한 유명인사가 정전 중 건물을 뛰어내려 자살을 한 것으로 추정되는 현장을 보게 된다. 그리고 집으로 돌아가던 중 평소 알던 사람들이 자신을 대하는 태도에 이상한 점이 있다는 것을 깨닫고 건물에서 만난 여성을 떠올리지만 기억을 하지 못한다. 점점 의혹이 커지는 상황에서 집에 도착한 데이빗은 어떤 남자로부터 살해협박과 함께 도시를 떠나라는 강요를 받는데...