Laura Bayston

Laura Bayston

출생 : , Dagenham, Essex, England, UK

프로필 사진

Laura Bayston
Laura Bayston
Laura Bayston
Laura Bayston
Laura Bayston

참여 작품

The Wife and Her House Husband
As Cassie and Matthew come to the end of a divorce, a letter from their past selves surfaces suggesting guidance in the "event of separation". They agree to do the first thing on the list, only to find themselves drawn back together.
Laura Ryan
Set in a British working class neighbourhood, the stories of three wrecked people meet each other leading the film to a disastrous climax.
항상 배가 고픈 조
Laura Gilligan
젖먹이 때부터 왕성한 식욕을 보여주던 아들은 사춘기가 지나며 말릴 수 없을 정도로 식탐이 심해진다. 하지만 놀랍게도 아이는 절대 살이 찌지 않고 병원에서도 뾰족한 수를 발견하지 못하는데···. 어머니는 무엇이든 먹으려는 아이를 언제까지 감당할 수 있을 것인가?
A tearaway teenage girl, at war with her mum, and trying to take control of her life, forms an amazing and unbreakable bond with a new friend. They raise hell, stick two fingers up at the world, and laugh like they never have before... but can Ellen avoid becoming just another statistic?