Karen Abercrombie

Karen Abercrombie

프로필 사진

Karen Abercrombie

참여 작품

The Abby Brooks Mysteries
Ms. Marian Weston
Abby Brooks is a true-crime podcaster struggling to come to terms with the loss of her baby and her subsequent divorce. Moving back to her hometown, she quickly gets wrapped up in a mystery surrounding the untimely death of her eccentric neighbor. Following the clues left behind for her, Abby goes on a journey of faith, reconnection and adventure as she works with her childhood crush, Matt, a local cop who has secretly had feelings for Abby for years, to solve the layered mystery.
가디언즈 오브 갤럭시 Volume 3
Grandma Quill
가모라를 잃고 슬픔에 빠져 있던 피터 퀼이 위기에 처한 은하계와 동료를 지키기 위해 다시 한 번 가디언즈 팀과 힘을 모으고, 성공하지 못할 경우 그들의 마지막이 될지도 모르는 미션에 나서는 이야기.
Angels Unaware
God sends the archangel, Eden, to Earth where she is placed with people who are about to make a life decision that could negatively impact them and others around them. Will Eden be able to help, or will her brother Lucifer get in the way?
Hope Lives
Ms. Ryan's
An inspiring drama that shows the triumphs and pains of a group of high school students who are victims of bullying, and how one man can make a difference.
Calm Before
A Husband and Wife on the brink of divorce are trapped at a Lake House on their anniversary and are forced to confront their demons, both real and imaginary.
Song of the Tree Frogs.
Phillip and Michael, two brothers who are on a desperate journey to find unconditional love in a world dominated by hatred and manipulation, have good reason to doubt that their lives will ever be normal.
Discarded Things
When the life of Grace Wyatt, an esteemed music professor, is disrupted by tragedy, she finds herself thrown out of her lavish academic world and into the harsh reality of teaching at-risk youth.
Discarded Things
Grace Wyatt
When the life of Grace Wyatt, an esteemed music professor, is disrupted by tragedy, she finds herself thrown out of her lavish academic world and into the harsh reality of teaching at-risk youth.
네버 허드
Camilla Davis
제일런(로미오 밀러)와 디기(다이즌 탤튼)은 범죄가 들끓는 어두운 도시에서 함께 자란 죽마고우다. 디기는 어머니와 동생, 셋이서 살고 있다. 마약중독자 어머니는 생활 능력이 없고 할 수 없이 그가 마약을 팔아 세 식구의 생계를 책임지고 있다. 그러다보니 갱들에게 빚이 지게 되고 쫓기는 신세가 된다. 제일런의 아버지 애런 데이비스(데이비드 베너)는 교도소에 수감되어 있고, 할머니와 어머니 셋이서 지내고 있다. 할머니는 독실한 기독교 신자로 아들의 감옥 생활을 뒷바라지하고 손자가 범죄에 빠지지 않도록 노심초사하고 있다. 그에 반해서 그녀의 어머니 샬라(로빈 기븐스)는 남편 애런을 철저하게 배척한다. 그가 갱단 두목으로 아들 제일런에게 나쁜 영향을 끼칠까 걱정도 되고 가족을 돌보지 않았던 지난날을 잊을 수 없어서다. 제일런은 교회에서 봉사 활동 하고 있는 할머니 카밀라를 찾아갔다가 키타를 치며 노래를 부르고 있는 패리스(커루치 트랜)을 만나게 된다. 그녀도 어머니가 12살 때 죽고, 목회 활동을 하고 있는 아버지와 단 둘이 지내고 있었다. 그녀는 아버지 몬티와 많은 시간을 함께 보내고 싶어 하지만, 그는 시간이 없다면서 사랑하지만 이해해달라고만 말한다. 그녀는 제일런의 할머니 카밀라에게 음악 수업을 받고 있다고 하고, 둘은 동병상린의 마음으로 기타의 음률에 맞춰 가스펠을 부르면서 급속도로 가까워진다. 카밀라는 매일 교도소로 아들을 찾아가서 하느님을 믿도록 설득하지만 마이동풍이다. 그는 오히려 자신의 결백을 주장하고 있는 중이다. 이때 패리스의 아버지가 교도소에 찾아와서 선교를 하게 되는데, 어떻게 하든 아들과의 교감을 원하는 애런과 마주치게 된다. 애런은 처음 몬티를 겉과 속이 다른 인간으로 경멸하다가 진심을 알게 되어 그에게 모든 일들을 고백하고 상담을 하기에 이른다. 한편 몬티는 애런이 누명을 쓴 것으로 확신하여 변호사를 소개해주고 그의 석방에 힘을 쓰게된다.
EXTRAORDINARY tells the amazing story of ultra-marathon runner and college professor David Horton, his wife, Nancy, and their attempt to finish their marriage race well. Although proud of his incredible athletic accomplishments and the impact he has on his students, David's family continuously pays a high price for his years of competitive running. Following his open-heart surgery and irreparable damage to his knees, Nancy is ready for Dave to hang up his racing shoes for good and focus his boundless energy on their family. Instead, feeling called by God to "inspire people one last time," Dave sets off for a 2,900-mile race across America
Mountain Top
A lawyer-turned-preacher living in a small Appalachian town is pursued by an eccentric man to represent him in court. Now involved in a case that ties into his own small-town life, the former attorney agrees to help a man.
Revive Us
Miss Clara
Are we in the last days of our great nation? Is it too late for America? Revive Us features worship, prayer, and thoughtful discussion as Kirk Cameron turns to Scripture to offer encouragement for our great nation. As Kirk says, 'When our family of believers gets together and the Spirit is moving, we are unstoppable!' Revive Us will have you believing this could be our finest hour!
Carry Me Home: A Remember America Film
Harriet Tubman
In the cold winter of 1860, a young mother trapped in slavery seizes the opportunity to escape with her family when she encounters HARRIET TUBMAN (Karen Abercrombie, War Room). Harriet leads the young family through a number of trials on the Underground Railroad, causing them all to question whether or not freedom is worth the price they must pay to obtain it.
God's Compass
Suzanne Waters
Suzanne Waters (Karen Abercrombie) has just passed the baton as the principal of the local high school. Having spent a lifetime teaching life lessons, the journey into retirement is about to bring her one of her greatest lessons. Her lesson plan will come from a troubled young man, Eli, as she invests in his life. Suzanne also becomes a first-time grandmother, and the new life of the baby brings renewed hope to the family as each member discovers their core value in God's path for their lives. As Suzanne reflects back on her life of faithfulness, we are reminded that there are no accidents in God's Kingdom, no chance meetings, no purposeless steps taken.
기도의 힘
Clara Williams
성공 가도를 달리고 있는 남편 ‘토니’, 사랑스러운 딸 ‘대니엘’과 함께 남부럽지 않은 삶을 살고 있는 부동산 중개업자 ‘엘리자베스’ 겉보기엔 완벽해 보이지만 위태로운 결혼생활을 이어가던 그녀는, 새로운 고객 ‘클라라’ 부인으로부터 하나님 말씀으로 진짜 적에게 맞서는 법과 함께 ‘기도에도 전략이 필요하다’는 특별한 조언을 받게 되는데… 용서와 치유, 사랑으로 나아가는 기도의 힘!
Trinity Goodheart
When 12-year-old Trinity Goodheart is visited by an angel who leaves her a pendant that belonged to her long-lost mother, Trinity concludes that her mother is in danger and needs her help. What ensues is an effort by Trinity to reunite her disjointed family; and in the process, she teaches them the value of love, faith and forgiveness.