Old Woman (uncredited)
멕시코 갱의 보스인 제페(El Jefe: 에밀리오 페르난데즈 분)는 자신의 딸을 임신시킨 알프레도 가르시아의 목을 잘라 오는 사람에게 백만달러를 주겠다고 말한다. 이에 제페의 부하이자 동성애자인 두 킬러가 바의 주인인 베니(Bennie: 워렌 오아티스 분)와 함께 가르시아의 목을 가지러 떠난다. 베니는 자신의 애인이자 창녀인 엘리타(Elita: 이셀라 베가 분)로부터 가르시아가 이미 죽어서 묘지에 묻혔다는 것을 알게 된다. 이제 베니와 엘리타는 백만 달러의 꿈에 부풀어 가르시아의 묘지로 향한다. 무덤을 파헤쳐 가르시아의 목을 잘라 올 작정인 것이다. 베니는 도중에 만난 오토바이족들을 처치하는데는 성공하지만 라이벌인 다른 멕시코 갱들에게 걸려 엘리타는 죽고 그는 모진 구타를 당한 뒤 가르시아의 목을 빼앗긴다. 이제 그들 사이의 죽은 시체의 목을 놓고 피튀기는 대결이 진행되는데...
Pasajera tren (uncredited)
After reading in the newspaper, Úrsulo runs to seek employment. It is the position of caretaker of a luxury apartment building habited by people more heterogeneous: the professional model, the spiritualist, hippies and all turn to him to solve their problems. But someone in the building, kidnapped an important person and Úrsulo becomes a private investigator.
Invitada a recepción (uncredited)
Lopitos, who is horribly inefficient but quick-witted, is invited (because of the current ambassador's superstition about 13 sitting down to a meal) to a banquet attended by the ambassadors of both superpowers. After the news of a series of coups d'état in Los Cocos arrives throughout the meal, Lopitos becomes the official ambassador. At a summit of world leaders, the representatives of the two world superpowers court the allegiances of third-world diplomats to tilt the balance of global power in their favor. The last diplomat to remain unaligned, Lopitos instead harangues the superpowers for infringing on the rights of developing countries to self determination, talking to them with his point of view as a citizen not as ambassador because he arranged his demise as ambassador one day before his speech.
Invitada a recepción (uncredited)
After a quarrel with her boyfriend on New Year's Eve, Mane drives her car from Mexico City to Cuernavaca to meet her parents in their country house. The car breaks down in the highway and Mane has to ask for help. Mechanic Cruci arrives and, after testing the car, offers Mane a ride on his motorcycle. Back in Mane's house, she invites him some drinks to celebrate New Year's Eve. They get drunk and, the morning after, Mane's parents arrive and find them sleeping together. Not knowing what happened, Mane and Cruci are forced to get married against their will.
Clienta en cabaret
Espectadora (uncredited)
A woman of low estate is beloved of a promising young man, but sacrifices her love for him in order to protect his future and reputation.
Invitada a fiesta de boda (uncredited)
Alberto Robles, a young doctor, is faced with the decision to surrender to a life full of comforts and luxuries or to continue dedicating himself body and soul to serving those who need it most.
Invitada a fiesta (uncredited)
Catita is a simple and poor woman who dreams of that her son stands out on something important to help her out of his humble. But she opposes to him being boxer, therefore constantly fighting with her husband.
Invitada a fiesta (uncredited)
The dynamics of a typical middle-class family are shaken up after the introduction of an enthusiastic door-to-door vacuum salesman.